Kentucky people

I didn't see any sun going through London this morning... LOL Went to daughter first swim meet of the year at Union. She did great, beat her times from last season
Welcome to the thread!!! Hubby was just in Georgetown last week set up at the Festival. Their first year there, I think they'll be back next year.
Well, it's nice to know that after 20 years of marriage I can still impress hubby

I was out shooting today - need to practice my long range shooting (for coyotes). I had my .22 LR and was shooting pop cans at 30 yards, and coffee cans at 100 yards.

at 30 yards I had 95% accuracy, and at 100 yards I had about 60% accuracy (need to work on that, still). The misses were near misses - mostly high or low.

Hubby said he'd have a hard time beating me


Morning Duke, everybody. Hope everybody stays nice and warm tonight as they say the temp is supposed to drop down to the upper 30's. I've got a bunch of projects to work on today, like getting plastic up on the windows, putting up a canopy for the rabbit hutches, moving the hutches under the canopy, making a new hutch, etc. Then I have to go to work tonight and deal with that.

Still no word on when the big move is going to take place, right now everything is on hold because the original house my friend was going to buy had too many complications with the title. Looked at a 2nd place last weekend for her. No decision so far on that property, so it may not be until springtime now.

Have a great day!

Oh yeah, Shelley, your new babies are cute!
Got up this morning, grabbed some coffee, let the chickens out, sat and watched em for a while and then cleaned out the coop for winter, put new bedding down... its all pretty and smells good, I know thats just going to last for a min.

ladrifter - Sweet
Welcome to the thread!!! Hubby was just in Georgetown last week set up at the Festival. Their first year there, I think they'll be back next year.

Thats awesome! Did he see the parade on Saturday? Cause I was in it on my horse (my avatar)!
Do any of you all have some chickens that dont go in their coop at night but prefer to sleep outside? We have some that have been doing that for months now, at first it drove me crazy and then I just had to say... whatever, sleep outside, they would sleep on a rabbit hutch inside the chicken run... well we moved that out of the run, then they started sleeping on a wooden spool we have in there... like 11ish of them, 2 roosters and their girls. Then they left the spool for the roof over their food dish we built and they have been sleeping there for a couple nights, maybe week... then last night I noticed there wasnt as many of them outside, looked in the coop and Big Daddy and his girls were in there... yay... guess he got cold and decided to move back into the coop. So today I decided I would put everyone in the coop tonight... went out to put them in and there was only 7 outside... Chicken Noodle (rooster) and his girls. So I picked each one up and moved em to the coop on a roost, everyone was fine about it but 2 or 3 girls, they still wanted outside. I dont get it... there is plenty of room in the coop for all of them plus 15 more chickens. I dont want to let them sleep outside with winter coming...
I have had a PEACHY day here in my neck of the wood's. Got egg's that will be hatching,good Lord willing in the morning. Silkie egg's from kycowgirl and bb red egg's from uncle-T and some of my oeg egg's
A lot of mine roost all over in the barn instead of the "Roost Room". I have a nice room inside the barn that used to be used for paint work by the former owner. We built roosts for them and the main original flock and a few others that I added that are about the same age all go in there at night. All of the ones I hatched this year go up in the rafters. I guess the older girls pick on them too much even if there is enough room for all. I had a real problem this summer with them in the rafters and lost about 20 total birds to a couple possum before I caught them. I don't like them doing it, but they are too high for me to get. I don't know if they will ever go "inside" or not. Silly birds don't know where it is safe.

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