Kentucky people

Meri -- what a nutritious breakfast.... For me it would be coffee coffee coffee.... My Mummy just sent me some Trader Joe's winter blend coffee which is a french roast with spices in it.... soooo yummy... Wish we had a TJ's here in KY.... maybe someday....

My oldest wether has the thickest coat coming on that I'm worried what the winter is going to be like. The squirrls have been gathering nuts and hording up in a hole in our rafters over the master bathroom that I told DH to fix in Feb since I saw them making the hole bigger....

We got an upright freezer for $50 that really works.... Now I need that portion of cow and pig....

Anyone want to share theirs with me??
I love my coffee, too (did I mention that I bought myself a cappucinno machine for my birthday?). I was just in a diet coke mood today. But, I have to run to town (dangitall) so when I get back I'll make me a cup of coffee to warm up with.

I think this winter is gonna be worse than the last few, also. The squirrels out back here have been losing their minds hiding nuts and seeds.

Meri, really sorry about your roo...

Shelley, Hope you get to feeling better...

I have been trying to find Daisy a new home off and on for the last 2-3 months... Posting ads, word of mouth, etc... Even sending pics and trying to get rescues and shelters to find a foster for her. Being that we have no outside facility for her and I didn't want to keep her on the back porch anymore she has been kept inside most of the time, so in the last 3 months Daisy has become housebroke, crate trained, trained on the lead, will sit on command no matter what she is doing at the time, she is super smart and eager to please all the time. Unfortunately she sheds ALOT, and when Maggie tries to play with her she goes for the mouth area and Daisy doesn't like that so they end up fighting instead of playing and when I give treats Maggie tries to take Daisys out of her mouth so another fight breaks out. So anyway, today I was just about to take her to the dog pound when the humane society in Eubank called and said they were taking six dogs to a no kill shelter in Louisville and she had room for Daisy, but she would have to pass a test for them to keep her up there... Apparently she passed because the HS lady called later and said she was staying there. Now she has a really good chance of finding a new home. The shelter up in Louisville will either place her in foster until they find her a home or they will transfer her to a Beagle rescue in another state. We are all so happy she will have a chance at a life that she loves... Being outside with her nose to the ground.
Thank you Shelley for letting Cortni feel like she was rescueing her from what Cortni thought was gonna be imminent death... I think she really put your dad on a guilt trip that day
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Talking about squirrel's and nut's. I have 2 walnut tree's in my back yard that were loaded. I raked all the walnut's to the bottom of the hill, and the squirrel's carried all of them away in a couple of day's. Not 1 walnut can be found. Amazing
I have a question.

I have a roo that high steps like an American Saddlebred horse on display. I thought it was cute at first but he seems to do it all the time and doesn't walk normally.

Is there something wrong with him? I like his coloring and want to use him as my replacement breeder. I am culling the flock and I have several of his brothers who don't have as good of feathering and have white toe nails instead of black like his. So he is unique. Has anyone ever seen this high stepping act before in any chickens?
what breed is he? National Socialist Party Chicken (a Hitler Chicken

You could start your own new breed - sell the offpsring to Skinheads - they'd scoop them up in a heartbeat
Oh wait, is he a WHITE chicken? better not do it if he's not

sorry had to ask

btw - never seen a chicken walk like that before.

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Sounds like dad's pony/horse. He thought for sure she was bred when he got her (he was told it was very likely, since she was pastured with a stud). About the time she should have been due, we had went to Indiana for a weekend visit. When we came back, her belly had just blown up. She was all wet on her back-end for a while, and nothing. We waited and waited forever, and she never had a foal. So apparently she was just taking advantage of being spoiled, since dad had kept her seperated from the others around her 'due date'. She liked having the grass to herself, and took full advantage of it!
Mojo Chick'n :

eating pizza combos for breakfast.... mmmmmm.

anyway -
That new calf I got yesterday jumped/climbed over the gate this morning
I guess he didn't want to stay in the stall with Ike, Tina and Mocha all day. I'll put him back in tonight after he eats, he's fine for now in the hallway. (he has water and a dry place to lay down). He is taller than Mocha, and Mocha is a good week and a half older than he is. I think I have all the scours under control and/or cured. (of course, now I have a new one to go through it with once the two week mark passes

Well, so far I have 7 eggs saved to put into the bator tomorrow (not sure if I'll get any more of them to put in.) Still no hatch on those bantam eggs from Shelley - I did take one out this morning that I hadn't noticed had stopped developing halfway through. I was candling to see if I had any movement, and I noticed I had air space at the top and bottom of that egg. (boy, these Combos are DRY! they'd like to choke me, good thing I also have a diet coke to wash them down

Other than that, not much happening, for now. Wind has died down a bit, thank goodness. Have to run to town later - hubby is out of smokes. (I was hoping to have a day to just sit at home and hide - no such luck - oh well, I'll need more diet coke, anyway).


Hubby doesn't roll his own? What's up with that??

I hope those eggs hatch, the ones I'd gotten from her before did okay for shipped eggs. I can't hatch shipped chickens worth a darn, so to get 2 of 6 was pretty good!
My inside quail have started to crow
I don't think they're much older than 4 weeks, 5 maybe, but I don't think so. They sure don't waste any time!! I've got 12 or 13 more quail chicks that just hatched today and yesterday. One of them needed help, and doesn't seem like it will make it. Of course it's a cinnamon, of which I have only 4 others (2 adults, 2 babies).

My duck left her nest, none of her eggs were any good. The chicken eggs must have been set by something else, cause they were pretty well developed. But they were all dead. The duck eggs never even started. But I still have Gertie setting, who I need to check...she should be about due to hatch, I have no idea where I'm going to put her!

The stupid rats are still terrible! If I don't leave feed in my quail's cages, then they'll eat the quail. I caught the nasty things in that hoop house I made last night, having a feast on the chicks feed
That's easily remedied, I just need to move it so their hole is covered up again
Moving it is the hard part.

I hope it warms up a little bit before winter really hits, cause it doesn't look like I'll be getting my building done otherwise. Dad keeps saying he'll help me, but he never does. I've got the floor and 3 walls done, just need the other wall frame and some trusses for the roof. Then I need to put it all together, so I can work on the inside. I really hope I can get it done this year, I've got young birds in cages that can't stay there all winter!

What else?? Oh, I've still got that silkie setting too...goofy bird. At least her babies should be cochin mixes, so those are semi-popular.

What ever happened to Christy? I haven't seen her on here in a very long time...

We have new beagle pups, they're about 5-6 weeks old. They'll be ready to go for Christmas, if anyone needs a cute little puppy!! There are 3 females and 1 male.
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