Kentucky people

Geeeessssssseeee I didn't know that~ the ones I saw were mostly Brown shades,but so cute & pretty. why did that one person say that there were not good ones unless they were Malayasian? I think some people try to be chicken snobs~but have found most chicken people to be GREAT ! the English Orpington people are also somewhat snobby. Have you ever been to the OHIO National Poultry Show, in Columbus, Oh? It is huge & fun so many chickens takes a coupledays to see them. Well, I won't be getting Seramas for a while and I'm having Hawk problems now w/ my large breeds~I live in Hawk Heaven ! I will tell people about the show you are trying to put on. I'm probably going to bed now looking forward to better weather this week,starting tomorrow
Take care~later
I 'borrowed' some pics that catwalk took of the birds I showed today, I hope she doesn't mind





Little Big-Mouth (aka ch. Cockerel) is my favorite, he is such a sweetheart! They said he was a little too young and needs more time to fill out but he has a very promising future
I would like information on showing chickens. My little one is 7 yrs old and she uses a wheelchair. We had chickens at my aunts farm 2 yrs ago and coons got them. However, she was given some a couple weeks ago. I suspect we have a bunch of MUTT chickens. I would like more information on showing chickens. She is DETERMINED she wants to show chickens at the fair and at 4H, but mom.... has NO IDEA about this. She is very sure its what she is going to do. I would like to help her, but I need a place to start. I called 4H and they had no idea in our county. They are suppose to be getting information.

Anyone have suggestions? Who to call, whats needed, etc?
there are a few shows in KY spring and fall, not sure about 4-H because we don't have that in Hardin County.... there are a lot of breeders willing to help get the JRs started with show birds at a discount rate.
I live near Mt Sterling, KY. Moved here from Illinois 14 years ago, met my country boy of a husband, and never looked back. Went to Morehead State University.

We have a 75-acre farm we bought in 2009, and I'm having a great time aggravating the hubby by populating it with animals as fast as I can. Current chicken count is 20 adult chickens (assortment of Light Brahma's, EE, Buff Orpingtons, and a group of drama-queen Silkies. There's also 39 Cornish Rocks in brooder #1, 12 Light Brahma's and 10 Silkies in Brooder #2, and 12 tiny assorted feather-footed Bantams in the brooder in the house. Also have a Silkie hen brooding some tiny silkies in the barn that are due to wake up this Wednesday! Lots of babies - but I like to raise them up, pick out our favorites, and gift the rest to my chicken-loving-friends. We also have 2 horses and a pony, several cattle, 2 bunnies, 2 Dachshunds and the best-dog-of-all-time, Toby the Australian Shepherd.

Anyone else near Mt Sterling?
Oh great I was afraid of this, I was guessing they were since they had red combs and wattles and the others don't. One of them is mean and the other is the nicest one out of the nine chicks.

The mean one


The nice one

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