Kentucky people

your not kidding, this rain has everybody get the floaties out for the animals

I spent several hours yesterday digging trenches to drain off the ponds from in and around the coop and pens. I even put in a drain in the run to the coop. I went out in the morning yesterday to do the feeding and found one side of the coop flooded. My poor silkies where soaked to the bone and wading thigh high in water. If it was the ducks they would have loved it.

Ack, poor babies!
I can't believe we've already had the total amount of rainfall for May. And it's only the 3rd of the month!
My breeding coop is flooded and the free range hens don't want to go back into their mucky run since it smells like a swamp.
your not kidding, this rain has everybody get the floaties out for the animals

I spent several hours yesterday digging trenches to drain off the ponds from in and around the coop and pens. I even put in a drain in the run to the coop. I went out in the morning yesterday to do the feeding and found one side of the coop flooded. My poor silkies where soaked to the bone and wading thigh high in water. If it was the ducks they would have loved it.

I'm an old Louisiana born girl, I always build off the ground by at least 16 inches to prevent snakes and floods. I'd build barns like that if I didn't have such fat, 'piggy' horses!! Chickies are high and dry, geese are wallowing in ecstacy with all the rain.
I know this is a long shot, but does anyone near Hart Co have any Sultan chicks. I need one or more for my daughter. I just got one yesterday at TSC (along with a few others) and either the cat or the meat birds dumped the brooder over in the middle of the night. It got wet and could not get under the light and died. All the others are fine, but my daugter had already got attached to it. I realy would like one less than a week old and only 1-3 (already have close to 100 birds total and hubby is getting after me to stop). Would be willing to travel about 45 min.
Thanks for the info about the swap!

your not kidding, this rain has everybody get the floaties out for the animals

I was working on my design this morning, I'll have to integrate a boat into mine at this point. Tomorrow we're supposed to see the sun (briefly). The only good news is that I know where the puddles will be and where to fix it BEFORE building the run!
we don't have many ways to get to town from our house.... all the roads are blocked.
more rain on Friday so not sure what will be closed then.
Mrs. Turbo :

we don't have many ways to get to town from our house.... all the roads are blocked.
more rain on Friday so not sure what will be closed then.

Chicken, it's what's for dinner...
Doesn't help with the vegs and diapers though.
Sending warm, dry thoughts your way!!!
Here is my first ever broody's hatch


Thanks Turbo's I love this girl.


They are little bantam eggs, hopefully from the cochins.
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