Kentucky people

It truly sucks so many couples who can't have children of their own are denied adoption, and people who don't deserve a child are dumping them like so much garbage.
Shelley that one EE I got from you that I thought may have phoenix in her is hilarious! I'm gonna have to keep her I think and give my friend the black one with the little brown one.
She follows me around, then soon as I bend down to pet her she squats and when I stop pettig she starts biting me til I pet her again. She is always trying to find an angle to fly up on my shoulder.
Her tail is super long by the way. So pretty!
Oh, snap!!!

I put that on there as a joke (obviously) but watching the news last night I was horrified to hear of a young woman trying to sell her 3 day old baby at Taco Bell for $500. Made me want to cry.

I would give 500 to get a child away from a person like that. Of course that 500 would have to go through legal means but honestly she should not have care of that baby.Too many kids stuck in these situations. It should never happen.
I used a tall brooder hutch on my porch when I had guinea keets. Everyone going in or out said something or had something for them. It 'peopleizes' them and you are their 'flock.' The end result was 30 guineas more or less that followed us around like kids. The largest male, the dominant had a crush on my daughter. She couldn't bend over to tie her shoe that Ticker wasn't up on her shoulder in parrot position. As he got larger he learned to come to her arm like a trained hawk. When night came, they would jump on the porch rail, hop to its metal roof, run the length of an 80ft mobile home to the back deck, jump into the oak tree that shaded it and settle in for the night. When the back light went out, they would all 'say goodnight.' It was very LOUD, but only started when they knew all of them were in 'bed' and we were settling in for the night. They slept as close to us as they could get. No one got in or out of that yard without some warning or comment by them. We had no stray dogs to worry about. No snakes stayed near that yard. We never lost a hen to any predator. We never were stolen from during the night by 2-legged theives like many homes out there. We had no tick problems on kids, dogs, or horses. They would get up on the horses when they lay down to check them for any tasty ticks they might have.They were the perfect guardians.
What are the dates for the poultry show at the KY State Fair? I went to the website and could not find a schedule. Our urban chicken facebook group in Lexington is talking aout going on a "field trip" there.

Also dates for the Bluegrass Poultry Club show in Frankfort? I got my first chicken there last fall and thought I remembered it being in October, but then heard it's in September?


not sure why there is a bunny smiley on the BYC site, but it's adorable - I also have rabbits - and I couldn't resist!

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