Kentucky people

SQ= Show Quality (birds should place well in competition)
BQ= Breeder Quality (birds themselves are not to standard for showing but can produce or have produced show quality offspring)
PQ= Pet Quality (birds have faults that would disqualify them from shows and are unlikely to produce show quality offspring)
HQ= Hatchery Quality (birds came from a hatchery or descend from birds from a hatchery--usually very poor quality)
I bought one from the people in the South Wing who had sheds and patio furniture, I can't remember the name and I am at work. It is a 6 x 8 with laying boxes and windows. It was pricey but they finance it over 3 years, though I am paying a good bit down now. I am in the city and figure I better have an attractive coop so I don't annoy neighbors. Plus this one is big enough for my kids to walk in. They are always going in the pen to play with the chickens.
I bought one from the people in the South Wing who had sheds and patio furniture, I can't remember the name and I am at work. It is a 6 x 8 with laying boxes and windows. It was pricey but they finance it over 3 years, though I am paying a good bit down now. I am in the city and figure I better have an attractive coop so I don't annoy neighbors. Plus this one is big enough for my kids to walk in. They are always going in the pen to play with the chickens.

The guy who advertizes on craigslist (link here: ) is really good, too. He's just an out of work guy trying to make ends meet. I bought my coop from him and he is open to customizing them, too. He will even deliver for a reasonable gas fee. He asks for a portion of the money up front for materials but my friends and I never had an issue. If you call him, be sure to tell him that Jessica referred you.
You can also find a number of affordable, high-quality coops built by an Amish family down in Scottsville. Best place to check them out is at the monthly small-animal swap at Tim & Suzie's Hen House.

We bought one in the spring, had a neighbor drive it all the way up here to Glendale, and it's been fantastic. I expect we will use it for years and years.

Does anyone have any leads on where I can get some Black Copper Marans, either as hatching eggs or newly-hatched chicks, around here? I figure we have enough time for one more wave of chicks before it gets too cold, and I'd love to get some of those dark chocolate eggs to add to the Barred Rocks and the Americaunas/Easter Eggers we currently have.

Thanks in advance!
Check with BYC members crfarm or shelleyd2008.

Yep, I was gonna say the same thing
I am outside of Columbia and crfarm is in the area of Dunville. I have a few BCM started birds right now, I believe 7 or so. Otherwise I can do eggs but I've only got 2 hens laying at this time. Started chicks are $6 each, eggs are $1 each.
I rather like it actually. We usually use the 2x4" woven wire and have had no issues with it. My husband and I were thinking it would work just fine with a solar box on that peak and added skids to move it. Since ours are large Buff Orpingtons we also would lower the laying box for their more, ahem, 'matronly' size.
I realized when I posted there might be some confusion on the solar box I mentioned. If you take a look at the picture of the coop, what we do is add a rat wire aka hardware cloth 'flap' that lays on the ground. On the coop is a low electric wire hooked up to a solar charger box. Anything that comes in close enough is standing on the rat wire. If that varmint then hits the electric wire, the rat wire completes the circuit and lights up his life.

To move the coop to a new location, disconnect the power, use carbiners to hold the side flaps up, move to nice grassy or weedy spot, drop the flaps and reconnect. No grounding issues or rods to sink.

We'd been looking for a nice efficient design that looked great and could provide a roomy, comfortable space for a small breeding group for pure chicks. We this this one.

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