Kentucky people

I have been outside the last hour attempting to put up a taller fence. However, this curtails any free ranging and my fenced in run simply is not large enough to give them the space I would like them to have. I would prefer if I have to keep them that confined to just have a few and them have lots of space. With so many its impossible to keep grass in the fenced in run and I cannot afford to fence in more. ( its roughly a 30 x30 fenced in run) Right now they simply go over the fence , clipping wings has not worked to this point, so I am having to spend money already that I cannot afford really to put up bird netting. The fence needs to be about 8 ft tall to keep them in. We are also facing the loss of our only income so probably downsizing is for the best.
I just posted this on fb. I'm in 2 groups that buy, sale or trade on there...

I've got about 38 animals I need to sell. Chickens (roosters, hens, bantams, standard, pure, mixed 2.5 years - acouple months old), ducks (drakes, duck hens, 1.5 years - 6 months, muscovies), 1st come 1st pick, 5.00 each. Bonnieville area.

I've got too many, plus I'm tryin to make money to buy some goats from a friend.
Both sets are sold now. I have my super tall fencing up around the coop. My mom was just frustrated and ticked off that they tore her orchids to shreds. She was just venting but I just felt that for her to be so mad to even say that means its become a bigger issue than I wanted. The other hens leave this area alone or just stay under the trees. these were jumping on benches and branches to get to her orchids and they destroyed many of them. We live part time on their farm. My chickens live their full time.

This just pushed me into doing what was needed. I hate to deter them from free ranging but with these gals it just was not working. I still have 20 other hens but they tend to stay in or near the coop and run. We are revamping our entire run and coop to prevent future issues. I woke up super early to finish up the fencing and now I am tilling the entire run to put grass see and straw down and also installing a gate so they can free range in the pond area.

btw if anyone still wants any pekin ducks or a pair or trio of white geese let me know. Now that I have made the first hard decision I am going to down size a bit further before we go through this layoff.
hello...i live in clarkson ky. i am looking for a mixture of any kind of eggs for my incubator the kids are wanting to hatch some. i have temp and humidity right and now i need any kind of chicken eggs i can find...anyone close? i am going to my mothers in cecilia, on saturday....please help us...
paypal me the cost of shipping for a large flat rate box and ill ship you some no charge. Or swing by Georgetown and ill give them to you. Mine are a mix of all large breed.
If you wanna stop by I have EE eggs. Our roo is a Barred Rock. Should be interesting. I also have silkies and the roo for them is a silver bantam. No clue his breed but he is beautiful. he is silver and his neck fringe is kinda gold. I could probably gather you a dozen to put in the bator by morning.
Have you considered clipping their wings on one side so they can't get over the 4ft fence? And somebody had a great idea for keeping grass in a chicken run - which I am going to do for my bachelor pad.. Make a frame from 2x4s and put chicken wire on one side and put it down with the wire up. This way the grass under is protected from the chickens and will grow up to the wire, at which point the chickens can start nibbling at it. It can't be very wide or the wire will bend from the weight of the chickens - 1/2" hardware cloth would probably be a better choice for strength.

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