Kentucky people

Don't worry about cheating with a map, I've lived in KY since 1986, and lived in Green county since 1996 and still I have to check to make sure which county connects to us, and what their names are.

We're on the Hart county side of Green and about 30 miles from Glasgow. You know that old saying, "You can't get there from here," well that's where we live. It isn't really "on the way" to anywhere. It means it's less likely to be 'residentialized' as we have no easy commute to a work area, and it isn't near any lake or vacation area to be partied at for summer people. Both sections of river are rough, shallow in spots, and difficult to access so we don't even have the fishing crowd coming into the area.

We got cows, lots and lots of cows, some corn fields, huge hay fields, and more wild life than we admit to. None of us want hunters wandering around here either. The locals hunt here, but no one else. One friend brings his beagles to hunt rabbit on my property. Other than that, we take 3 or 4 deer off our property every year for the freezer. It's payment for the hay, salt blocks, and molasses grain tubs they share all year with my horses. We get fat deer.

Deer hunting for us is step out on the back porch before sunrise, sit down with the .30-.30 and a cup of coffee, and wait. The deer are taken from there. They come right out of the woods, and into my garden to cross to the horse pasture. It is the ONLY time they are bothered all year long, and the price for safety for the rest of the year. They could leave, but they don't. We've seen does with twin fawns on our property several times. Good for us, good for them, and a fair deal for us both.
Sounds like an awesome setup, Dawnwinds!

I haven't yet moved down there but I can't wait!

We're packing some boxes today to bring it down with us tomorrow (we're signing closing docs on the house).

The property we're buying is in the middle of nowhere, too. We prefer it that way.

We don't have deer and very few predators (from what the owners tell me), but I will have sheep and a couple livestock guardian dogs in addition to my chickens.

One day when we're not too busy with our farming, those of us who live in the middle of nowhere should get together for a spot of tea and meet each other.

Regardless of what the owners tell you, you'll have hawks, raccoon, opossums, skunks, weasels/minks, coyotes, fox, bobcat, and maybe even a few mountain lions. Might even have some rats (yes, they are predators too
). But I'm sure your dogs will keep most at bay

ETA: Supposedly there are some black bear in the area as well, though I have yet to see one.
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I have to agree for the most part on the predators. They are wide and varied. Haven't seen mountain lion/cougar/puma here, but lots of bobcat and fox. Wolves are coming back and have been sighted in several parts of the state and we've seen bear track once, but no bear. Killed a cottonmouth water moccasin this year. The deer and turkey that live here come back every year though, which is a good sign.

But consider this? Most any place out in the boonies in KY has deer. They get very close to even busy places well visited by humans. If there aren't any deer, I'd be looking for the large predator that lives in that area that keeps them away from it.

As for the rats, we've pulled 3 lb rats away from my Rat Terriers who have a minimum weight of about 16 lbs and a top weight of about 30 lbs spread out through 5 dogs. Rats, are some mean critters and it takes a hunter to threaten them. If a dog, or even cat doesn't have that true hunting prey instinct, no rat will think twice on them.
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I'm definitely gonna keep my eye out for predators.

Even here where I'm currently living in VA, we have lots of deer, fox, coyotes, and stray cats.
And I live within the city limits!

I don't yet have my LGD (I'm on a waiting list), but I should have the puppy by December and will begin training.

I have dogs that LOVE to chase squirrels, so I'm hoping they'll enjoy keeping the rats at bay.

My cats are indoor cats; however, they are excellent mousers (Cornish Rex); they like to catch flies in the house.
Well, Kentucky, here I come!!
I don't think you'll be any worse off than VA. We sound like the wild frontier. Granted, I have invested in a nice live trap to catch those juvenile racoon hooligans who have been sniffing around lately. We take them to the back of the farm dispose of them there. We have flight netting over the top of the run for the raptor issue, but the 'coons and 'possums crash right through it.

It was 100 degrees Saturday and today is 50. If you don't like the weather in Kentucky...wait a minute!!!
I don't think you'll be any worse off than VA. We sound like the wild frontier. Granted, I have invested in a nice live trap to catch those juvenile racoon hooligans who have been sniffing around lately. We take them to the back of the farm dispose of them there. We have flight netting over the top of the run for the raptor issue, but the 'coons and 'possums crash right through it.

It was 100 degrees Saturday and today is 50. If you don't like the weather in Kentucky...wait a minute!!!

Shelly I had to chuckle about the wild frontier...My young great nephew was telling his friends about his Aunt Mari's chickens...(they live in Northern IL) and added " She lives in the Wilds of KY!!"
Rain, rain, go away....I know we needed it, but to make up for months without rain all at once?? This is a bit much

The Weather Channel is giving non-stop rain until at least 3 p.m. tomorrow, looks like we'll be getting wet going down to the bus again tomorrow

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