Kentucky people

So far I have six oprs. I predicted right because I was sure one egg was not good. They look great. The mixed group so far has one chick that looks buff and is pretty big. The maran egg?(copper) has pipped last night still watching it. One other egg ( light tan/pink) shows no signs yet. The white egg and anothe tan one are not good. Time will tell. I will get some picture when I transfer them to the brooder box. I am enjoying this so much!

6 out of seven eggs is not that bad. So are you going to get an incubator for Christmas. Brinseas or on sale on their website and you can get a coupon code on facebook. Does the buff looking one have feather legs? I think a buff orpington frizzle would look really funny. When they start feathering out you can tell if it’s a frizzle or so. Can’t wait to see pictures. I have not hatched any from my mixed breed coop and I am surprised they were fertile because I didn’t see my frizzle or my Swedish flower roo. mounting any of the buffs.

Also in the spring do you want to swap black orpington eggs for we can get more genetic variations in our flocks. I hatched mine from eggs I got directly from hink jc . The rooster it sooooooo big and he is not fully grown yet.

My friend has 2 LF Frizzle Buff Orps and they are AWSOME! Absolutely beautiful big fluff balls!
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So far I have six oprs. I predicted right because I was sure one egg was not good. They look great. The mixed group so far has one chick that looks buff and is pretty big. The maran egg?(copper) has pipped last night still watching it. One other egg ( light tan/pink) shows no signs yet. The white egg and anothe tan one are not good. Time will tell. I will get some picture when I transfer them to the brooder box. I am enjoying this so much!

6 out of seven eggs is not that bad. So are you going to get an incubator for Christmas. Brinseas or on sale on their website and you can get a coupon code on facebook. Does the buff looking one have feather legs? I think a buff orpington frizzle would look really funny. When they start feathering out you can tell if it’s a frizzle or so. Can’t wait to see pictures. I have not hatched any from my mixed breed coop and I am surprised they were fertile because I didn’t see my frizzle or my Swedish flower roo. mounting any of the buffs.

Also in the spring do you want to swap black orpington eggs for we can get more genetic variations in our flocks. I hatched mine from eggs I got directly from hink jc . The rooster it sooooooo big and he is not fully grown yet.

I am not keeping any Roos yet. I sold my young black and Blue one. I am not sure when I will keep a Roo. Yes it would be a good ideal. My hens are big pretty girls. May also be able to get some eggs from a friend that has a huge Blue Roo. I got my hens from her. I am always open to the ideal though. I will get pics asap. Can you receive picture text?
Forgot to answer the incubator question.......Well if Santa does not bring one I will bring one myself! HAHAHA I know you said that you had three. I have tried to stay away from the sales page but think I'll go look now:thumbsup
Luckyinky: I love your Polish! Very pretty!
Shelley: Cris still calls them his feather chickens? How sweet! He'll love this white one, she is so tame she just squats as soon as you touch her and will stay that way as long as you're petting her. Silly girl!!
I don't know if he still calls them 'feather chickens', I believe now he calls them his 'fluffies'
I remember when one of his first silkies started squatting, he was so excited saying 'Mom! Look! She wants me to pick her up!', okay honey
I don't know if he still calls them 'feather chickens', I believe now he calls them his 'fluffies'
I remember when one of his first silkies started squatting, he was so excited saying 'Mom! Look! She wants me to pick her up!', okay honey


As soon as he's old enough to know better, it'll be EWWWW grosss!

Hope everyone's enjoying this fine weather!
I don't know if he still calls them 'feather chickens', I believe now he calls them his 'fluffies'
I remember when one of his first silkies started squatting, he was so excited saying 'Mom! Look! She wants me to pick her up!', okay honey


As soon as he's old enough to know better, it'll be EWWWW grosss!

Hope everyone's enjoying this fine weather!

My kids yell all the time "(insert name) got fertalized!". Haha. They dont get it. Thank goodness
Anyone in the Lexington area need hens? My mom brought her chickens from North Dakota (too cold) and I do not have room in my yard for everyone. There are tons of different hens ranging from buff orpingtons to cochins. Asking $10-$20 each depending on the breed. I am not even 100% sure what everything is. They are all around 4.5 months old and ready to lay soon.
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