Kentucky people

Petsmart has shavings, KMart has shaving,.......they are easy to find and of course do not use cedar shavings as they are harmful to the respiratory systems of the birds. I saw the pine pellets used at the horse sale and my only thought was that it would be difficult to sift out the poop and I clean poop everyday. When the pellets get wet, they breakdown into sawdust which would be fine. Hope that helps. I have sand in my 2 coops and my brooders. It is easy to sift out the solid matter. It seems like no matter what you use, it has advantages and disadvantages. They are all messy!!
It wouldn't be any more difficult than sifting cat litter. Just wet the pellets a bit when you first put them down so they break down, they turn to sawdust. Seriously, this is definitely one of those 'don't knock it til you try it' things, pine pellets are so much cleaner than they smell better

I use pellets in ALL my brooders and it makes a world of difference. I grabbed a bag of shavings the last time I ran out, because I was not at TSC. I'm so sick of dumping brooders every 3-4 days!! Pelleted bedding doesn't have to be changed but maybe twice a month in the brooders. In a coop, you'd probably not have to 'change' it at all, just clean out the yuck and put a little fresh down.

Pellets are the ONLY bedding I would use for ducks, geese, or quail. It absorbs the water/moisture and doesn't stink. Shavings get a sour smell when they get wet, even if you've just changed the bedding.
Frankfort is getting a new TSC and there is one in Lawrenceburg and:)
Shelbyville as well. They carry the Xtra fine stuff. Its great! Fluffs up and easy to clean. Straw can harbor mites in the stems etc. Yes I agree to hard to clean too.
You have to be careful with the dust output from the extra fine pine shavings. It can kill the juvies and make the biggies sick. Before I knew you were supposed to tell the folks at TSC what type of shavings you want, I bought some not knowing just how fine they were. Put them in my coop and the next day all my birds were sick from the dust and picking at the fine shavings. Now I ask for the large shavings. I also use deep litter but only through the cold season. Then when I Spring clean I spread it out all over the ground in and around the pen area.
What kind of symptoms did you have with your sick chicks when you used the pine shavings? I was thinking the same think because when I cleaned out my coops and put the shaving in the next day they did not looking right. In a couple of days they were back to normal so I was thinking it might have been the dust from the shavings.
What kind of symptoms did you have with your sick chicks when you used the pine shavings? I was thinking the same think because when I cleaned out my coops and put the shaving in the next day they did not looking right. In a couple of days they were back to normal so I was thinking it might have been the dust from the shavings.

Yeah, I have to tell them the white bag, not the yellow. They have to look it up in their little red book.
What kind of symptoms did you have with your sick chicks when you used the pine shavings? I was thinking the same think because when I cleaned out my coops and put the shaving in the next day they did not looking right. In a couple of days they were back to normal so I was thinking it might have been the dust from the shavings.

It gave them respiratory distress from breathing the dust, they started weasing. Kind of like having respiratory disease without the runny nose(beak). It did go away much quicker than the CRD will once the dust settled. But I've never used that again.

I have not had any problems with the fine shavings. These also came from TSC but seems to not have much dust in them. This is what I have used since May. My chicks are also on them and the only dust is from the chicks themselves. If I ever get a dusty bag. I'll be sure to put it in the goat stall instead of chickens..

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