Kentucky people

I believe there is a map like that for the forum but I don't know where the thread is.

I looked and looked and looked but couldn't find anything so I made one. Apparently Frapper doesn't exist but I found one that seems to work well. It's basically google maps but you can put a push pin where you live and add some info. The link is:

You should be able to just click on the map where you live, add your byc user name and a message or your actual name. You can also type your address in the address box and it should locate you. I have added myself already so you should be able to see an example. It looks as though there is a limit of 500 pins or people so this may work best as a KY map not a national or international. I'm by no means an expert so if you see something that looks wrong or have an idea please let me know.

Great idea! I'm up and running. It's good to see where we all are and didn't realize I had so many members close to me.
well, i see our state map is starting to shape up. i like it Hey nikkie,since you live up there would you know where bethel ohio is. i am looking for baby rabbits ,saw an ad for there but not sure where that is
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Nice birds, David.

I won't be getting any more birds till next year.
Stupid me just put 65 eggs in the incubator.

[gotta go out and build more coops]

I notice you have Polish. Predators where I used to live found mine to be easy pickins.
I have one rooster left who is actually my alpha-rooster and watches (as best he can) over the flock.
My other three roosters are little bantams. I really miss having Polish chickens. They're so very sweet!

This is a pic of my Polish rooster, Dreadlock.
His feathers are a little ragged in this pic cuz the guineas were playing tag with him.
And, yes, . . . he's blonde. lol


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