Kentucky people

I looked and looked and looked but couldn't find anything so I made one. Apparently Frapper doesn't exist but I found one that seems to work well. It's basically google maps but you can put a push pin where you live and add some info. The link is:

You should be able to just click on the map where you live, add your byc user name and a message or your actual name. You can also type your address in the address box and it should locate you. I have added myself already so you should be able to see an example. It looks as though there is a limit of 500 pins or people so this may work best as a KY map not a national or international. I'm by no means an expert so if you see something that looks wrong or have an idea please let me know.

Great idea! I'm up and running. It's good to see where we all are and didn't realize I had so many members close to me.

done added my little head in franklin.
i have a home made incubator for sell if anyone is interested. its nothing much i put 2 doz eggs in it but it should hold more. has 2 bulbs and a adjustable thermostat. its in a cabnet. i have hatched out in it twice. wife dosnt like me hatching the livestock in the house so i dont need it any more. its nothing fancy and dosntevenlook like somthing profesional. at the very least i would add a fan in it. but iff i cant sell or trade it i will take the bulb sockets and thermostat out and trash the rest. i would like to trade it instead of trash it. i really am looking for a silkie hen (to sit on eggs), barred rocks (hens or roos) cornish hen (to breed with a barred rock roo i have) or maybe a buff hen? old fencing? chicks? make me a offer. im in franklin ky but go to bowling green almost daily. can email or text pics if needed.
Thank You... sometimes when I get upset with her for breakin out of the barnyard I think about finding her a new home... but then I smack myself for even thinkin that! I couldnt find a new home for my Princess Porkchop, I love her too much, she turned a year old in Sept. I've had her since she was about 3 weeks old, shes family, my beautiful baby who makes me smile when I call for her & she comes running... even if it is only to see if I have a treat for her, lol.

What happen to your little Horton?

Sorry, I just saw your edit. He passed away over a year ago. The pen we had him in didn't have much shade and he'd spilled his water. It was early April, but he still got too hot
Thank You... sometimes when I get upset with her for breakin out of the barnyard I think about finding her a new home... but then I smack myself for even thinkin that! I couldnt find a new home for my Princess Porkchop, I love her too much, she turned a year old in Sept. I've had her since she was about 3 weeks old, shes family, my beautiful baby who makes me smile when I call for her & she comes running... even if it is only to see if I have a treat for her, lol.

What happen to your little Horton?

Sorry, I just saw your edit. He passed away over a year ago. The pen we had him in didn't have much shade and he'd spilled his water. It was early April, but he still got too hot

Awww so sad.
Looking for some information, our family is relocating into KY, Lexington is where the job is located. Does anyone know of a feed mill that sells gamebird starter or is able to also do custom mix's? I am used to our mill who puts together a custom feed mix of around 1000 pounds which has starter, layer, seeds, grains, etc. So far I have seen mills that will do custom horse feed mix's, but not sure if they are able to this kind of mix.
Thank you for any leads you may have.
I did some sorting out in the playroom today and I have a bag of nice stuffed animals. 1 huge pink carebear, 1 big huge pink puppy, a large jointed boyds bear and a new tags still on christmas bear. These are pretty gently used and 2 of these are new and have not been played with. If anyone knows someone with kids who might be struggling and maybe needs some nice gently used and new stuffed animals please let me know.

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