Kids Section

I never thought of that terrielacy and nifty, but I am glad you mentioned that. You have an EXCELLENT point!!
I agree-even though sometimes it seems that there are nothing but kids in the chat, having a separate area for them would make them targets.
What about a kids projects type board? Something that not just kids would be looking at, but where 4-H type questions could fit and such. There might already be something like this, but I haven't seen it yet

Would this fit into the "making it easy for the kids to be targeted" area?

I wish there was a way to have a kids only are that had kids, parents, and moderators so the kids could have an area to meet other chicken loving kids, but there's no good way to make sure that the people joining really are kids and their parents. . . . . . .

unless there were a way to be able to confirm that a kid was actually a kid (and not some creep pretending to be one which is how these predators operate) then I agree with terrie about forgoing a forum especially for kids...this just isn't possible to monitor on the internet and the danger is REAL.

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