Kids sleeping in the front yard be prepared its sad


10 Years
Nov 21, 2009
Fort Worth
So about a year ago my neighbor and I were chatting and she mentions that there are some kids sleeping on their front porch.
I know the house she is talking about, it changed overnight from a regular joe's house to a traffic ridden house with black trashbags covering the windows. No Good! Loads of shady people hanging out all day long. Why the cops have not busted the place is a wonder to me.

I drove by often and had never looked that direction as I don't want those people to know I exist up the street. I hate to admitt it but those people scare me. This morning after I dropped my son off at school I happened to drive by the house. I looked for some reason and saw a little girl sleeping on a bed under a thin blanket in the front yard. When I looked closer I saw it was two of them.

I almost wrecked my truck. I could not express the shock and sad feelings I had at that second in time. Terrible. I took a right circled the block and took a picture with my phone. I called my mom and told her what I had seen. She was just as upset and said it's time to call CPS.

I called the non-emergency police number and told them that school was in and these kids were asleep in their bed on the front lawn and I would like them to do a well check to be sure there are adults looking after these kids.

I saw the officer come and talk to them and then get in the car and spent quite a bit of her time in there then she left. This afternoon when I pulled out of my driveway I saw a police car in front of the house again. I sure hope they do something for these kids.
One of them is in 4th grade, that was the big girl in the back.

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How sad. I thought this was going to be a sweet story about sleeping on a porch during the summer (we had a summer sleeping porch when I was a kid) but that picture might be one of the saddest things I've seen.
What on God's green marble is wrong with people? Just when you think you've seen or heard everything...
You done good, though.
I figured CPS would take a complaint more seriously if they got it from the police department. I think I will send a letter to CPS as well myself. Heart breaking.

I can't stand to see kids done bad.
I only wish I had looked further into the situation earlier. I am on the case now though and you can bet I will be up and out early tomorrow to see who is sleeping on the lawn.

Grrr it makes me so mad and sad all at the same time.
The thing is..they'll say that the girls wanted to play "camp" outside for the night... they were having fun....etc...
i bet that they'll get away with this...

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