Kiki's 2021 New Year's Day Hatch

He will die if he stays internally pipped for too long and doesn't come out.
He will need to be externally pipped by tomorrow night or else.
Oh okay that makes sense! Maybe he will do external then rest a while. That’s actually what I originally meant, like take a while coming out, not necessarily staying internal, I just wasn’t very clear lol if he takes like a day or so in between each stage maybe he’ll still be on schedule? Ish?
Are half boys?
That’s how my second hatch was but it was much better than the first where I ended up with basically all boys 😂🤣 the quail one had a ton of boys too and oddly my straight run order only had one boy too. So I’ve had a mix 😂 one of the quails I did was female cause she was sick and then I feel like I accidentally offed another female too but I’m not sure.
That’s how my second hatch was but it was much better than the first where I ended up with basically all boys 😂🤣 the quail one had a ton of boys too and oddly my straight run order only had one boy too. So I’ve had a mix 😂 one of the quails I did was female cause she was sick and then I feel like I accidentally offed another female too but I’m not sure.
My recent quail hatch...12 total.
5 boys.
3 not feather sexable so those 3 could he either but based on size I think 2 are female.

Which would mean 50/50.
My recent quail hatch...12 total.
5 boys.
3 not feather sexable so those 3 could he either but based on size I think 2 are female.

Which would mean 50/50.
Oh wow! Just out of curiosity, if you know, what is your usual rate or like an average?

I think I still have 3 boys out of the 8 I have left but that might be wrong because they all get along really really well ever since I offed a bunch of their friends 😂😭🙈 I also am horrible with sexing so still have no idea but they are smaller than the rest.

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