Kiki's found horse eggs—experiment Round 2

Location, location, location.
$1.5M won't buy a cot space in the hallway of some buildings in NYC. You could buy a huge amount of land with a nice house and out buildings in some parts of some states with it though.

And, actually, the idiots that bought the house ( 4 months ago) next door to the one we used to live in effectively paid $380K for < 1/10 acre of land. Bought the place for $780K. It had just been (unnecessarily) rebuilt (into the ugliest POS with industrial metal siding). Prior owners bought it for $465K (about $100K over what would be considered 'market') and after spending about $300K the town valued it at $475K. I asked a contractor friend what it would cost to build that fugly thing on a vacant lot including full foundation. He said "about $400K". So the < 1/10 acre must have cost the new owners $380K.
But here in Israel the real estate ALL OVER is insane! We have only 2 options: expensive or extremely expensive !
Oh i love blue laced reds, here's mine. Wyandottes are a great breed, be careful though, I think I've become addicted to them hahah XD
Her lacing isn't 100% yet because she's still got more growing to do but I'm just in love with her already
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This is her sister too, a splash laced red :)
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Beautiful birds! I LOVE chickens with lacing !
I have Silver laced Barenvelders .
Okay guys, where we live, this is a buggy:


Farm acreage in Illinois when we retired was going for 10,000-12,000 an acre ready to till.

Here in Missouri sought after timber acreage is going for 18-2,100 undeveloped. Much higher if it is improved as in buildings on it.
Have I asked you which part of MO you are from yet? I don't think so, but I was over at the state thread for a while yesterday and I've met a lot of my chicken keeping "neighbors" in the last couple of days...
On the other hand, my parents bought a 132 acre farm (100 acres of woods and 32 acres of pasture/hay fields) in the center of WV for $200,000. Of course, it is 20 miles (30 min of driving) to get to the nearest real grocery store. It's only 7 miles if you settle for gas station convenience store crap.
How long ago was this? Maybe I need to move to WV!
Ok so on top of the coon eat/trying to eat, my quail.....
A bear has decided he wants to try to get them now too!!! :barnie
Starting to think maybe I should have quail out here in the woods:confused:
My father-in-law came face to face with a bear trying to get the quail pins! :eek:
And mind you the pins are maybe 50ft away from the house of that(its early and my brain isn't working for distance and have had no sleep)
So we got the rock salt shells ready... that's too close to the house for them bad boys to be!!!!

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