Kiki's found horse eggs—experiment Round 2

I just caught Miss Badness off the nest, put my ear over the nest, heard nothing! Except hen having a fit that I was in her nest. When I left she went and stood looking at the eggs for a moment, as if to check that I had not done anything with or to them, then she set her self in place and settled in for the rest of the day. I think we still have about 4 days left. Was afraid to touch the eggs, hen was so up set that I was even near the nest. I am afraid to handle or candle them now, at this late date, as well as this crazy hen, I don't want her to abandon the nest because she thinks I messed with her clutch. :barnie
Good idea!
Right, therefore it takes 20 hours to fly around the world. 2 to get to the airport, 2 going through security and waiting for the flight.

Oh, and another 1 or two when the flight is late.
We might as well add, Getting re-dressed after the strip search. 20 minutes

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