Kiki's found horse eggs—experiment Round 2

I make chicken saddles. But I haven't used any on my girls yet. My roosters aren't too rough on the girls backs, but seem to be harder on the backs of their heads! They need a bonnet or something.
A saddle or apron will protect their backs. If you don’t have enough girls for your boy he will continue to cause problems for your girls. Sometimes he has a favorite girl that gets a little to much attention.
I have found my young girls have more damage then my older hens. I think it’s in part because they don’t know enough to help the boys balance, if that makes sense.
problem solved.
I make chicken saddles. But I haven't used any on my girls yet. My roosters aren't too rough on the girls backs, but seem to be harder on the backs of their heads! They need a bonnet or something.
Could you make chicken bonnets like the one Mother Goose wears? That would be cute. :love
Yes. Yes it should be in one of the two spacious lovely nest boxes that three THREE hens in that coop have. Did I mention one box is a double wide? And she picks the poo encrusted top of the box!?

Chickens understand the benefit of getting up high for safety while sleeping, some extend that logic to nesting. Many a chicken keeper has found their hen using a utility shelf rather than a nest box.

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