Kiki's found horse eggs—experiment Round 2

Okay, can the turkey breeders help me out here?

I candled the other egg. Perfectly clear with tiny air cell. No cracks, nothing.

Cracked egg has a MUCH larger air cell and is NOT clear. There is a big blob, no veins.

The clear egg is smaller, does not appear to be from the same hen. What does all this mean? I'm thinking cracked egg is dead and clear eggs is either infertile or fresh and unbrooded.
If the cracked egg seems have more fluid moving easily in the shell when you gently roll it, then the internal membrane is either softened or split. The egg could be old or has been treated roughly by the turkeys....most likely it is not viable.
The smaller egg with the smaller air bubble could be a first egg by one of the younger turkey hens. It may or may not be fertilized, but worth a try.
:celebrateInternal pip! Happy dance time!:wee

I highly predict that Kiki will be sitting up all night watching for that every illusive external pip!

I think I was up three or four times overnight during my first hatch checking for pips.

As for the peeping like the baby chick. I don't do that. I do the soft 'tuk tuk tuk' of a mother hen and occasionally lightly tap on the egg with my fingernail like a beak tapping on it. I've had them answer back with the tuk tuk tuk and my husband no longer finds it unusual to hear me tuk tuk tuking away out in the kitchen with my head over the eggs.

Sorry the second egg was DOA. It happens. Right, it stinks but it happens.
I've played this song for 2 eggs that had almost no chance of hatching and they both hatched. First one was an egg that was super old, had a very long bouncy car trip, the incubator fluctuated many times, overheating for hours and getting too cold for hours, the egg was also left in the fridge over night before incubation
- it basically had no chance of hatching but I played this song thought the incubation and once he made the external pip he was singing along to the song and hatched within 2-4 hours of external pip, the whole hatching process went perfectly and I think the song encouraged him.
The second time I used this song was for an egg the broody hen rejected, it was already around day 25 so basically didn't have much chance either because it should have hatched at day 21. I put the egg in the incubator and played the same song and on day 26 she finally hatched and grew up to be a perfectly normal, healthy hen that my friend still has.
I really feel like having some noise or music encourages them in the hatching process especially if they have no other chick in the incubator they can hear
Glad you got a pip! I bet by morning you’ll have a external. I’d say chick tomorrow night!

I'm holding out for the 9th :tongue :gig

Was kind a thinking the same thing, but didn't want you to think you did a bad job putting wax on the cracks. :hugs probably gave him a much better chance than he would have had. you tried, you get a pat on the back from me for trying! :hugs I voted the 11th for hatch day, now I think I may be wrong, but not going to change my vote. Will keep it where I thought at the beginning. :lau
Yes! It was a great attempt at saving the chickie.

I found one!

:celebrateInternal pip! Happy dance time!:wee

I highly predict that Kiki will be sitting up all night watching for that every illusive external pip!

I think I was up three or four times overnight during my first hatch checking for pips.

As for the peeping like the baby chick. I don't do that. I do the soft 'tuk tuk tuk' of a mother hen and occasionally lightly tap on the egg with my fingernail like a beak tapping on it. I've had them answer back with the tuk tuk tuk and my husband no longer finds it unusual to hear me tuk tuk tuking away out in the kitchen with my head over the eggs.

Sorry the second egg was DOA. It happens. Right, it stinks but it happens.
:caf And :gigat your perfect pun!

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