Kiki's found horse eggs—experiment Round 2

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Searching. What here is best. Help?
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I have no idea what these terms mean.
bow tie and bib...can you explain please.
Oh I’m sorry!
A bow tie is when a Turken has a clean neck except for a small “bow tie” of feathers in the middle. There’s no feathers above or below that.
A bib is when they have a lot of feathering in the middle of the neck and it covers the lower part of the neck or the lower part is feathered and not naked at all.
It has to do with the genes and how the NN gene is passed.
If you breed a NN bow tie bird to a non-NN feathered bird, you will get about half NN bow ties and half feathered birds.
If you breed a bib NN to a non-NN you won’t get any bow ties at all.
I won’t even get into how breeding NN to NN works unless you’re interested.
A lot of it has to do with how many copies of the gene they have, etc.

Some NNs are completely naked all the way down to the chest.
These and the bow ties are more sought after for breeding because you’ll get chicks that are more “naked” lol.
I’m not an expert by any means but I have learned a lot about the genetics of it from older BYC threads.
My understanding is that most Turken chickens in the US are actually mixed with other breeds. That’s why you get the crazy colors kind of like EE.
I’ll try to find a photo...
Here’s a bow tie (Agatha):

This one looks more “bib” like. He’s still naked on his chest though.
If you google images of NNs you’ll see photos of some that aren’t naked on the chest...those are the “bibs”.
I’ve also learned that Turkens are naked on their flanks under the wings and on the belly some too.
I thought it was only the neck lol.

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