Kiki's found horse eggs—experiment Round 2

How the wee one?
He is fine, spent the afternoon, climbing out the box and climbing all over me. Even climbing up to my neck and trying to snuggle under my hair. Finely went and got the lavender chick who was having trouble keeping up with the others and put her in with him. They seem to have bonded, sleeping together, etc. A few mins. ago I put both under the real mother hen, with out a problem, she seemed to accept them. Dark here all chickens sleeping, will see what happens tomorrow. Sheets are in the washing machine. :lau:lau :th Thanks for asking!
He is fine, spent the afternoon, climbing out the box and climbing all over me. Even climbing up to my neck and trying to snuggle under my hair. Finely went and got the lavender chick who was having trouble keeping up with the others and put her in with him. They seem to have bonded, sleeping together, etc. A few mins. ago I put both under the real mother hen, with out a problem, she seemed to accept them. Dark here all chickens sleeping, will see what happens tomorrow. Sheets are in the washing machine. :lau:lau :th Thanks for asking!
Aww. I'm getting a total attack of cuteness, just thinking about the little chicks bonding. Fingers are crossed that Mom takes everyone in, no questions asked.

Thanks for sharing everything.
Kiki's horse eggs look good, now we just wait to see what day they hatch! Anybody else hatching at this time and when do you expect chicks to hatch? I am ready for the next adventure. Anybody else using a broody, or was I the only loony to try that?
I've got 6 buckeyes in lockdown. Tomorrow is day 21.
I got some bantams back in December in the hopes of having broodies. No luck so far. They were laying and broody when I got them, but they stopped as soon as they got here. 2 of the 4 have finally started laying. Hopefully that will help kick their broodiness into gear.
Hi, everyone, as everyone thought, the 2 eggs that had pipped last night hatched during the night, bring the total for this hatch with 2 broodies to 2 Blue coppers, 6 black coppers, and either a wheaten or lavender!! 1 had pipped and was left in the nest this morning, so this one is on my bed watching TV under a sheet with wet paper towel and heating pad wrapped loosely around, we are using a candy thermometer and it says it's about 98 to 100 F near the egg (someone correct me if I am doing some thing wrong, please) Chick is moving peeping and starting to zip, so will continue to chick sit again today. Oh and yes I did place neosporin with NO LIDOCAINE Chick has zipped some more since I started this post. :fl
ETA: if this guy makes it, that will be 10 chicks hatched out of 14 after the musical hen game. LOL
Woo hoo!
These are some pictures
I've got 6 buckeyes in lockdown. Tomorrow is day 21.
I got some bantams back in December in the hopes of having broodies. No luck so far. They were laying and broody when I got them, but they stopped as soon as they got here. 2 of the 4 have finally started laying. Hopefully that will help kick their broodiness into gear.
Can't wait to hear what happens tomorrow. :fl:fl:fl

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