Kiki's Friday Night Extravagant CELEBRATION!!!

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Welcome to the dark side of the camp fire. Grab a beer and have a sit.
Chickens scratch. If they don't eat a plant outright, they tend to scratch the roots out.

Lay logs, sticks, branches down and add mulch to the top of it. The heavy stuff will protect the roots. Pile up the mulch and you and the chickens will gets lots of exercise. Rinse and repeat. Add logs to the top to keep mulch in when you get tired.

Some people use chicken wire. It works.

@WhatTheDuckingDuck now I want brownies and it's too hot to bake. Hold the pixies, I've got to adult. I blame you. On the bright side, I've got Blue Bell. :wee
I used my eyeballs and i ended with more of a cake. A cake with a sugar cookie top. Blue bell? Did you mean blue ball?
I realize it's technically Saturday AM.

But I woke up laughing this morning, and felt compelled to share.

I had NO clue what I was stepping into when I first commented/left photos here way earlier last night (and trust me, it was NOT what this thread evolved degenerated :lau was more along the lines of "oh, I'll post some witty/nice photos to share with folks, maybe chit chat a bit...get to know some more of the community here).....

Cue the diabolical laughs, snorts, and hehes

Yeah Yeah. I got nobody to blame but myself:

1) I could have easily looked at the leaderboards of badass chickessences, who leads comments, and ascertained that well, the lot of you are THE BYC folks. I mean, helllooo
@Kiki @BantyChooks @honanbm @Overo Mare
(not to leave anyone else out here...just these were what my brain wasseared with from last night)I basically stumbled in here like the bushy eyed fella waltzes into the saloon in a spaghetti western thinking he's in "happy acres" but really is in the wild west.

2) I could have easily perused through other threads and obtained a "feel" for what transpires.

3) I could have easily just not posted any photos...or walked away.


Well, apparently I jumped off a cliff with a blindfold and I'm still falling deeper.

Thank god that you all don't bite. Well, don't bite too hard perhaps.

So thanks for making this one feel welcomed. And now I'm trapped. Maybe gladly. I'm not sure yet.

but in all seriousness, ya'll are ok. Well, maybe not all. I'm gonna not be as nieve this time. Lol.

🙋‍♀️ I bite.
I pull hair too.

We don't judge...
Ask Kdog.

We are the small crew who likes to pee in their pants laughing each day...that's all.
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