Kiki's Friday Night Party. Put your apron on and...

I think I will go ahead and change his name. He’s really sad but adjusting alright. Funny enough we’re actually sitting together watching Lassie right now... :lau
I bet he is!! Lots of big changes!! His “dad” dying (and I’m sure lots of sadness and weirdness for a while before he passed) then his “mom” leaving him and being in that scary shelter (though I’m sure they were nice) and lots of new people, etc. etc.... it’s a lot for any dog let alone an older guy that was probably with that family since he was a pup! :(


I’m sure he will come around in no time and he obviously likes you a lot! :love

I think changing his name will be good. Fresh start like Roomie said. Maybe it would help him move on. :love
@Kiki i need a heads up to properly prepare for friday night’s festivities as i will be at floating club muddy!! 😉😉 i need to know what to pack (besides bikinis and fishing poles) :gig
I'll add a poll right now.

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