Kill a hawk! Win a $10,000+ fine!

Who needs an excuse IF there is no "complaint" "witnesses", no "evidence", no "habeas corpus", no "bragging", no "noise", and therefore, no "citation" ? WHO complains about a problem that doesn't exist ???

Whatever happened...NEVER HAPPENED.

(What Hawk?)

Quite a few hawks around here. I've never had a problem with them.

Yes I've heard the bit about shiny things. The reflections are supposed to mess with their site and depth perception. I've tried it, but I am a belt and suspenders kind of guy. I also criss-crossed hi-vis construction twine over the top of the pen to help prevent incursion. My concern with that was "what if it's cloudy?"

I've heard others suggest the plastic owls b/c birds of prey won't mess with another's rhubarb, so to speak. Don't know from experience though
Just say you were shooting at a coyote and missed?

Actually, someone suggested recently that if you keep crows coming around it keeps the hawks away. So, attrack a murder of crows and problem solved. Unfortunately, it would probably mean that you need to put out something dead to attract them in the first place.

Bright shiny, noisy things strung around like cans on strings or mylar strips that are shiny.

I was wondering if a life-sized cut out of a person aiming a gun would work?

I have red tails that nest on our property. I also have bald eagles frequenting our area. It is hilarious when all the chickens suddenly run for cover and then you look up and see a raptor. They aren't as stupid as they seem. I think I lost a Buckeye pullet a couple of weeks ago to a raptor, because she is gone and there is no sign of feathers from a ground attack. I was going to say fowl play, but that was too easy.
Lee Valley ( etc.) has hollographic mylar tape, I forget the price but it wasn't bad. You could string that back and forth where the chickens are. It might help.
The problem with decoys (like Owls) is you have to move them around, Hawks aren't that stupid. One of the feed stores always flys some hawks and stuff, they are like kites kinda, the slightest breeze sends them airborne and they have unpredictible flight patterns. Heck they scare people driving by - I expect an accident some time soon - as they soar near the street and I've seen drivers swerve to avoid them.
I have a pretty big run about 40x40 and we covered it with deer netting.. cost about $7.00 a roll at the hardware store.. worked great till we got three feet of snow LOL
I still dont see why the fines are so high?? They are EVERYWHERE here... they are not endangered where i live...

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