Killing, Plucking, Eviscerating, & Cutting Up Your Chicken - Graphic!

Used this tutorial to the letter for our first harvest - thank you so much! I had no idea what I was doing and it made it an easy process. By the 19th chicken I didn't even have to look at the pictures any more
This was so very helpful in what to expect for our first time, THANKS!

Definitely gotta make one of the killing cones... we tied up it's feet and hung it over a 5 gal bucket.
This is excellent! Kudos on the whole setup! I do think that for the sake of tradition and the kids' entertainment, we shall have to let at least 1 or 2 jump around the yard after a good old-fashioned axe and chopping block appointment...but this is going on my bookmark list for sure!
sorry but that's just really graphic and nasty...

but thanks for sharing to those who found it helpful
Thanks, this is great! We just butchered our first 'male for warmth' this weekend and I wish I'd seen this before that. We had a book (Storey's Guide to Raising Poultry) which helped but you have so much more detail here and your photos are excellent quality. I'm showing DH tonight so we can do it a little easier next time.

And to the person who was asking whether scalding was necessary to pluck, no, it's not, but apparently it makes it a lot easier. We couldn't quite figure out the logistics of getting hot water outdoors - we don't have a propane campstove and I didn't want to use the good pot (which we use for making beer and cheese mainly) on an open fire, not to mention the difficulty regulating temp on a fire! So we decided to try it once without scalding. It worked ok, but it's really hard to get all the feathers. And it takes a lot of strength to pull out the wing feathers - I couldn't do it, actually, though DH could. So we'll probably scald next time.

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