Killing roosters that were raised for laying?

breed thing.

freedom rangers were bred FOR their meat production. don't worry... you will be fine!
Should be fine to eat. He's been around your place you know what is there and what he has been eating.
We never feed your chickens medicated feed, we feel that is not good for the human body to consume meat that has been fed out with medications and steriods. We buther ours eating 24% growing crumbles non-medicated.
I never feed medicated feed at all, ever. I eat my extra roos. Medicated feed is not needed to raise chickens, whether for meat or for eggs. It does nothing to make meat safer, it may in fact, contribute to the development antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria.

Medicated feed isn't used to make meat safer anyway, it's a growth promoter. My chicks grow just fine without it.

Some use it as a coccidiostat, to prevent coccidiosis. I've never had a problem with coccidiosis, my birds are free-roaming, the run around and eat all kinds of plants, bugs, and whatever else they can catch. I've raised chickens like this for over 15 years.

I don't vaccinate the birds, either.
Not to worry, your freedom rangers will have lots of breast meat, and I can't tell the difference between hen and roo meat from my Rangers. We butchered at 12 weeks. Mine dressed out from 5 1/4 lbs to 7 3/4 lbs. And we gave a couple away without weighing them, and they were huge. One of the 6 pounders gave us eight meals for adult, not counting soup from the carcass. Plenty of meat - you'll love your rangers. The worst part is that you'll be so sad to see them go.
I never could figure out why people would give medicated feed to a chicken that is not sick. It's much healthier as food for your family without it. Enjoy
It would depend on the breed of your heirlooms and when you processed them. Maybe they just needed a little more time to develop. I don`t notice difference in meat based on gender....just age and what they are fed but others may have differing opinions

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