Kind of mad about DH's video game... and new WIFE!

You could always give him tips on how to treat her. Sit with him as he plays and tell him what to do for her that you would like him to do for you? We husbands are slow to take hints but being light hearted and having fun with it may get the point across. Are there any games that you like to play? My DW has a few and if you start enjoying them you will "block" some of his time and he will probably bug you after you play for more than 30 min. Just make sure it is a single player game so he can't join in. Remember most men suffer from Peter Pan syndrome some worse than others.
Good luck
and if all else fails
he will
ya'll will
and we will all
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Been there, fixed that!

I don't want to take the x-box away, just the other wife. I found out she got flowers and chocolate the other day so she would be happy.

How do I rate??? All I got was one flower, no chocolate.


My wife said give her more chocalates....that we she won't gain more weight..
um but the flowers must go to my wife.. not the computer one and I
to that request...
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The game is OFF and DH is back at work!
Happy day.

The worst thing with this game is all the banging and clanking noises that repeat over and over and over... It was driving me nearer and nearer to homicide. So last night I considered myself 'virtually' single, got dressed up, and took myself out for a nice drink, dinner & shopping expedition. DH was not amused with my 'being single' fantasy but I behaved myself and had a good time.


I am NEVER buying him another video game in the middle of winter when I'm trapped in the house with it. Bad, bad, bad idea.
I have played Fable 2, just finished it a week ago actually, got it for Christmas and I have been divorced 3 times, and widowed 5 and I currently have 6 children. I killed my first husband. LOL.
Yeah and there is a coop mode, though I do not ever do the online thing.

I am currently playing Spyro the Dragon.

DH is currently playing Fallout 3.

I WISH they would come out with a new Harvest Moon for the X-Box 360 I would SO buy it! As it stands, I might have to get myself a Nintendo DS to get my fix.
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DH's other wife divorced him after he went off on a quest. What a cad!!

I did get him some wireless earphones so he can play and I don't have to hear. But the RUB of it is that when he uses the earphones, it messes up my wireless Internet!!!!
this has to be the funniest thread I've ever read on here! LOL (sorry Bearded

It just kind of pulled me into it - like that virtual game apparantly LMAO! At first - it was the subject line that caught my attention - I thought to myself "Hmmm - okay, hubby has a new video game...but where does the new wife come into it?"
SO...naturally.. interest was peaked! THEN the more you read - the funnier it gets

You guys are a hoot!

I'm glad hubby's "other woman" divorced him *snickering* -

I just dont understand the facination with gaming - or sports - and men. If my hubby were like most men - OMG I'd of been divorced a longgggg time ago! We have friends whose hubby's LIVE BREATHE AND EAT sports - doesnt matter what ones - ALL OF THEM!
Mind you - I like football, I watch it, I understand the game - Eagles are my team and Vikings are DH's - but... do we freak out? Uhm.. no. DH watches NASCAR when he can, he enjoys it...but is he obsessed? Nooooo.... We also both enjoy UFC (awesome..awesome), it vents our frustrations I think LOL! Now we do have a Wii my mom bought us for Christmas and we played as a family for about 4 hours the first time we hooked it up, and I think Hubby and I have played twice more for about an hour combined since Christmas Day - and thats it. We enjoyed boxing and beating the crap out of each other
but who has time to sit and play all day long? I dont...

I just dont understand it
- and its the same with video games.

We'd much rather be out antiquing, gardening or doing something together than cooped up in a house in front of a TV.
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Ooooh nooooo.

I looked over at the game tonight - and my dear husband has grown parts that a man should not have. Now he's playing a GIRL character. Complete with, well, you know.

He is so not in touch with his feminine side. How DARE he grow those????????

(I double dog dared him to take a husband this time around.)

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