Knock at the's the cops!

When my DD was three days old, a policeman came to the door and said they had received a 911 call. My husband wasn't home and the older boys had been in their room all evening. He came in and checked out the phone and said the wires had come loose and it was causing a problem. Then he fixed the phone! I remember him whenever someone says all cops are jerks.
Us, too! DD called when she was about 2 and was breathing into the phone! The police thought she was dying of something and hightailed it over. I had no idea but the phone rang and when I answered it - it was the police saying an ambulance was on the way and what was the nature of my emergency.

I thought they were soliciting for business!!

Again, they were very patient about it.
I work the commercial side of an auto parts store, and incoming calls are the life blood of the business, so I have a portable phone that I have to keep up with so that I can get calls from anywhere in the store.
Management wants them to be kept in the front pants pocket at all times.

This is not a small phone, and it has a key pad that is built into it.

We have roll around stairs that we use to reach parts on high shelves. These stairs have a hand rail on each side and are narrow.

You can tell where this is going already...

Go up the stairs, bump the hand rail with the phone, chances are very good that 911 will come up about 1 in 10 times.

I am on a first name basis with every deputy in the county.
The pool I coach at each summer has a phone on the side of the poolhouse AROUND THE CORNER FROM THE GUARD STAND!! Let me just say that the police and fire department get really excited when they get a 911 call from a swimming pool.
I paid our Harley Davidson payment over the phone and put the cell down and for got about it. My back then 2 year old Samantha got a hold of the phone and called Nevada for seven minutes. Cops called me back asking if I am alright. THey also send a car out and made sure that both of us are alright and gave Sam-Sam a sticker.
All these stories reminds me....last summer, we had quite a few active storms come through, and our home was struck 3 times by lightening. The first time was in the middle of the night...we heard it, but didnt think it hit the house, so never really got up to check. About 6 am I hear someone beating frantically at my door. We live about 20 minutes from town, so we dont get very many visitors. When I get to the door, its the sherriff!
Of course a million thoughts go through my mind..who? When? where? He asked if we were alright? I said, yes..we were sleeping. He said...well, we got several 911 calls from this residence.
I tried to explain that DH and I were fine, when he asked me to check my phones. sure enough, they were dead. phones were calling for help!???
My kids did that once.

Luckily, the 911 operator was a patient of mine, asked a few questions and then called my wife back a minute or two later to tell her what had happened.

Here if an officer is dispatched, there are charges incurred if it's a false thing.

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