knock kneed chick


In the Brooder
Sep 30, 2015
had a chick hatch with curled toes. I fixed that and then one leg started to turn outward. now the other log has turned also. I am treating for splayed legs but it's not working. when I take the hobble off it almost just falls backwards and legs just go out. looks like it keeps getting worse. I am giveing nutridrence and now giving polivisol. the hocks want to go inward and feet out. seems weak in the legs also. It's almost 2 weeks old. Any suggestions??
It's possible that your chick has a leg bone deformity called varus valgus deformity. The hocks can be either bowed or have a knock-kneed appearance, and may worsen with age. Later, the hock tendon can rupture. I would continue the Nutri- drench at 3 ml a day since it contains trace minerals. Hopefully, your chick can get along in your flock, and I really hope that it's not a deformity.
thanks. I hope it improves. I will look up some info on the deformity. It had a hard time hatching too.
can I give the nutridrence directly in the mouth of the chick?
Yes, 1-3 ml orally once a day is the dosage. Here is an article to read:
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