
as head ache inducing as those topics can be, I think it can lead to healthy dose of self reflection and thought. Still, I don't envy you. Despite presenting the opportunity to learn a lot, those sort of classes can be difficult.

The fact that we're studying 1984 in english seems to be magnifying everyone's enthusiasm for the subject. The conversation of what 2+2 actually makes comes up an awful lot. :lol: Some of the possibilities, when you think about it though, can be quite daunting. o.o
The fact that we're studying 1984 in english seems to be magnifying everyone's enthusiasm for the subject. The conversation of what 2+2 actually makes comes up an awful lot.
Some of the possibilities, when you think about it though, can be quite daunting. o.o

2+2 isn't the only way to get four, and if you add two dogs and two oranges you still have four things but only two dogs and two oranges, unless one of the dogs eats the oranges while adding and then you have two dogs and two oranges until digestion makes the dog part orange then you have one dog on orange and one dog with minute traces of orange proteins in its body.

How's that?
You're welcome.
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2+2 isn't the only way to get four, and if you add two dogs and two oranges you still have four things but only two dogs and two oranges, unless one of the dogs eats the oranges while adding and then you have two dogs and two oranges until digestion makes the dog part orange then you have one dog on orange and one dog with minute traces of orange proteins in its body.

How's that? 
You're welcome.

:th And this is why I'm not so good at this type of stuff. I'd never have thought of that. Bravo. :p
So I suppose 2+2 could make 3.
I'll work on thinking up a way of how it could make 5. :lol:
And this is why I'm not so good at this type of stuff. I'd never have thought of that. Bravo.

So I suppose 2+2 could make 3.
I'll work on thinking up a way of how it could make 5.

I only came up with it because I'm short on sleep and I get weird when i'm tired.

I can tell you how that makes five but it involves the end digestion of the orange and this is a family board
I only came up with it because I'm short on sleep and I get weird when i'm tired.

I can tell you how that makes five but it involves the end digestion of the orange and this is a family board

I just tend to get uncreative, such as now. All this thinking about 2+2 is making me very tired. :lol:

...I think I get your drift. :thumbsup A very good example. I was turning over thoughts of dismantling some sort of machinery for a while.
I just tend to get uncreative, such as now. All this thinking about 2+2 is making me very tired.

...I think I get your drift.
A very good example. I was turning over thoughts of dismantling some sort of machinery for a while.

on that note I'm going to bed. Last night I dreamed I lived in a city sized mansion, and reality tv show families lived with me, i had some sort of secret powers that I never did figure out how to use them and there was something about me going back to high school even though I graduate about ten years ago. oh well. Lets see if I can top that one.
Sounds intriguing. Recently I haven't been very adept at remembering what I've been dreaming. :lol: That somehow reminded me of The Truman Show - I think it's time for me to stop thinking about thinking. :old
Sounds as if this class is desperate for students. I mean it is like taking a class that asks is blue really blue. Some rabbit trail philosophy that leads nowhere but back to the brain that conjured it. Do what I tell my son fake your interest, get a grade and move on.
If you only existed in your mind, you'd never get a surprise. Nothing unexpected would happen and you would never learn new things. It'd be like working for the government, I'd think.
My hubby teaches TOK in the I.B. program. That's a great class - glad to see you enjoying it!

We're doing this thing, as part of the IB, called Theory of Knowledge. It's actually quite interesting.
My friend, getting into the subject, managed to create a fair few credible arguments along the lines of we don't actually exist, we just think we do. Is such a thing even possible?! I can tell I'm not going to do very well at this class

Instead, I scrolled through the book and looked through the quotes and questions intended to make one think.
What is art?
Is all truth relative? Is even the fact that truth is relative relative?
I could not answer this question, because I don't know.
What do you reckon? Do you exist? Does time have a beginning and an end?

Anyway, I need to write a journal with things like newspaper articles that I read, which have something to do with the principles of life. I'm stuck. I mean, I have seven weeks to do it, but at the rate I'm going at I don't think I'm going to get very far. o.o

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