Kudzu! If you know what it is please look here

I was referring to it's medicinal value. I do not get as excited as the government would have you get over certain invasive plants. Nature has a way of dealing with these issues regardless if it came in on a truck or in bird poop. There are several plants that are considered native that they now are finding out were brought to new areas by early traders especially in Asia and Africa. We have scotch broom here and it is the best habitat ever for upland gamebirds it only need be managed.

What? I have never heard anyone say that kudzu is a good plant. When it is warm that stuff takes over and chokes out everything. That plant is taking over the land like the Asian carp is taking over in the rivers. These foreign invaders are taking over.

I don't think it grows well in dry areas, such as New Mexico. It grows well where it is warm and humid, like the southeastern states.
It is a high protien fodder, which can be used to feed any livestock. I just don't know if it would survive the cold, long winters of NM. It seems to be more of a semitropical plant.

It is invasive, but I've got to say, traveling through Alabama in the summer is beautiful....I call it Green Snow, because that's how it covers everything.
Well, can anyone at least be positive and give me suggestions? I need a vine (no native vines here. For native only planters), that will grow up a wall, withstand plus hundred summers, below zero winters, less then 2 inches of a rain a year, and 70 mph winds that suck up any rain in the summer, and makes the winters horribly harsh. I don't mind watering but water doesn't stay wet long here. I just want some green :( I'm tired of nothing but dirt, dust storms, and tumble weeds. I'm trying to build up the soil but it's hard because it all blows away. I'm trying to get some shelter so plants have just a chance but nothing grows. If I can just get some shade and windblocks going things might have a chance. I want to vine to gow over building walls TO encourage wildlife, to provide shade, and to as least have something holding the dirt down.
Well, can anyone at least be positive and give me suggestions? I need a vine (no native vines here. For native only planters), that will grow up a wall, withstand plus hundred summers, below zero winters, less then 2 inches of a rain a year, and 70 mph winds that suck up any rain in the summer, and makes the winters horribly harsh. I don't mind watering but water doesn't stay wet long here. I just want some green
I'm tired of nothing but dirt, dust storms, and tumble weeds. I'm trying to build up the soil but it's hard because it all blows away. I'm trying to get some shelter so plants have just a chance but nothing grows. If I can just get some shade and windblocks going things might have a chance. I want to vine to gow over building walls TO encourage wildlife, to provide shade, and to as least have something holding the dirt down.
http://gardeningfromthegroundup.us/ornamental_vines.htm I found this for you
Read the Plant Species And Their Use section - it says the vines listed - would do well in New Mexico. Hope this helps you find something to grow
This is really interesting....I would like to know more about what it's like living in New Mexico.

I can't imagine seeing nothing but dirt and sand and rocks....yikes. How do you not go crazy??

I was going to offer to send you some kudzu, by the way, because we have tons of it in Northwest Georgia, but after reading the responses here, that may not be the best idea. Also, even if I were to ship it without getting in trouble, how to keep it alive in transit?
This is really interesting....I would like to know more about what it's like living in New Mexico.

I can't imagine seeing nothing but dirt and sand and rocks....yikes. How do you not go crazy??

I was going to offer to send you some kudzu, by the way, because we have tons of it in Northwest Georgia, but after reading the responses here, that may not be the best idea. Also, even if I were to ship it without getting in trouble, how to keep it alive in transit?
Lol well you put some in a plastic zip lock bag with a wet paper towel, stick it in an envelope, and mail :D Not all of New Mexico is like this. Most of the state is either flat grass plains or mountains. And I AM going crazy lol. I am going out of my mind trying to turn rock hard dirt into something green. All I dream about is trees, and flowers, water! Oh glorious water! Lol I want to see the sun sparkling on the water!
Well, can anyone at least be positive and give me suggestions? I need a vine (no native vines here. For native only planters), that will grow up a wall, withstand plus hundred summers, below zero winters, less then 2 inches of a rain a year, and 70 mph winds that suck up any rain in the summer, and makes the winters horribly harsh. I don't mind watering but water doesn't stay wet long here. I just want some green
I'm tired of nothing but dirt, dust storms, and tumble weeds. I'm trying to build up the soil but it's hard because it all blows away. I'm trying to get some shelter so plants have just a chance but nothing grows. If I can just get some shade and windblocks going things might have a chance. I want to vine to gow over building walls TO encourage wildlife, to provide shade, and to as least have something holding the dirt down.

Maybe you can do some raised beds with the edges high enough to form a windblock.

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