L.O.R.E. Ordinances

Coopa Cabana

My Coop Runneth Over . . .
10 Years
Aug 30, 2009
My Coop
My Coop
Would it be possible to have the ordinances under each state listed in alphabetical order? I didn't see a way to sort them alphabetically, and I think it would be easier for readers to locate their particular city.

Also, I think it would help readers if a link to the L.O.R.E. section was at the top of the Ordinance Forum - I think many don't realize they have to go to the Learning section to find the Ordinances.

Great questions and suggestions!

We've been trying to figure out a way to make the LORE section easier to use and we recognize that it is definitely not user friendly right now. We thought the "articles" system had more features for sorting and listing when converting, but found out it had more limitations than expected.

We've had a few ideas, but they all are terribly manual and we're not sure how to best proceed.

I've also added a link to the top of the Ordinance Forum for "View our database of local laws and ordinances"
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