Labored breathing.


7 Years
Nov 18, 2013
Longmont, Colorado
Lacy is really struggling to breathe. She is walking around and you can hear every inhale and exhale. I am not sure what to do. I am trying to add a video I took but it isn't working.
Isolate her far far away from the rest of the flock. respiratory diseases are very contagious, and some different strains are deadly.

Get some anti-biotics that you can mix into her feed, and add some apple cider vinegar to her water. ACV helps everything get better.

I feel like I should be posting a decent sized paragraph
I guess it's a lot more simple than I remember!
I am sorry about your bird. Does she have any respiratory issues going on like runny nose, watery or gummy eyes, coughing? This would definitely need antibiotics and immediately. And generally if one has a bacteria, the others do as well.

Heart issues like hypertension and or holes in the air sacs can cause a bird to gasp for air. You will usually hear, if you listen at the back where it meets the neck, you can hear the heart valves fluttering. There isn't a whole lot you can do for this. I have used the herb Hawthorn with great success on birds with Hypertension and have actually cured them completely, some have passed on from heart failure. Roosters can sometimes damage the air sacs with aggressive breeding.

Gape worm and Canker are always a possiblity, but not all that common. These two issues can squeeze off the breathing. Gape is pretty rare, Canker can sometimes be seen in the mouth with yellow gunky chunks like stuck to the mouth and tongue.

Does she sound like she is honking a bit? If so, she may have inhaled food or can even be impacted in her windpipe or esophagus. I have a friend that recently lost a hen to an impaction of food in the esophagus. She did a necropsy and found it full of food, completely cutting off the birds breathing. There isn't much you can do with this other than hope the bird coughs it up or digests it. I would withhold food for the rest of the day but lots of water.

I would definitely separate her from the others in a cage. Offer up a heat lamp too. Sick birds are usually cold.
I am sorry about your bird. Does she have any respiratory issues going on like runny nose, watery or gummy eyes, coughing? This would definitely need antibiotics and immediately. And generally if one has a bacteria, the others do as well.

Heart issues like hypertension and or holes in the air sacs can cause a bird to gasp for air. You will usually hear, if you listen at the back where it meets the neck, you can hear the heart valves fluttering. There isn't a whole lot you can do for this. I have used the herb Hawthorn with great success on birds with Hypertension and have actually cured them completely, some have passed on from heart failure. Roosters can sometimes damage the air sacs with aggressive breeding. 

Gape worm and Canker are always a possiblity, but not all that common. These two issues can squeeze off the breathing. Gape is pretty rare, Canker can sometimes be seen in the mouth with yellow gunky chunks like stuck to the mouth and tongue. 

Does she sound like she is honking a bit? If so, she may have inhaled food or can even be impacted in her windpipe or esophagus. I have a friend that recently lost a hen to an impaction of food in the esophagus. She did a necropsy and found it full of food, completely cutting off the birds breathing. There isn't much you can do with this other than hope the bird coughs it up or digests it. I would withhold food for the rest of the day but lots of water. 

I would definitely separate her from the others in a cage. Offer up a heat lamp too. Sick birds are usually cold. 
Twocrows. Sorry to jump in. If you have time BantyChooks just lost a couple of birds and is asking for advice on Sally's thread.

Good luck with yours. Sorry to jump in.
TwoCrows, Thank you! She does not have any other symptoms and her breathing does sound better tonight. I don't know if it was a honking or just really labored breathing. I will try and put the video on. I did put some arugula and 1/2 a squash out yesterday for them to eat. I wonder if she has a seed caught in her throat.
Good to hear she is better! See how she is in the morning, hopefully what ever it is has past!!

Keep us posted! :)
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