Ladder for Entry to Coop


10 Years
Jan 29, 2009
Hi Again,

I noticed that most have ladders for entry as just a board with trim on it at intervals for the birds to go up. I guess this would be a traditional coop look.

We have an old crib that has the bars on it. I wanted to cut the bars down to small ladder size and make that the coop entry board. Will that work? Should there be a board under or would it work to just make a ladder for them to get up. The coop will be 4 ft off the ground.

Any thoughts are appreciated!
The ladder style works fine for chickens and you will avoid the poo build up on the board.
But like Bear said if you will have chicks it seems to take them a while to master the ladder compared to a board.
I have a solid ramp, and while there are advantages the build up (because they all have to gather under their little porch) gets to be a pain to scrape off.

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