Ladies over 30 Years of Age

Depends on the guy and the tattoo. Usually no but you can send me Blake Shelton and his tattooed arm, anyday.
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I don't mind them. Both of my sisters have them (yeah, I know... not men, haha)...but, I think it is a matter of taste... Hubby doesn't have one... but, if he wanted one, I wouldn't care. It's his body... as long as it wasn't on his face, neck or knuckles, I am cool, haha.
We are 32, and I have pondered getting one for awhile, but I just can't seem to find anything I'd want on my body that long... not sure what age has to do with it, really...
I just happend to google image search the word tattoos...
LOL Don't let your little ones look~
I purposely waited til I was older to get one, so I wasn't making a stupid 'kid' decision I would be stuck with when I matured. Even then, part of the fun of getting it was the rebellion mom despised them, step dad didn't like them, I know some people out there don't like them...and it was a mild way to do what I wanted and not give a crap what made everyone else happy. My parents moved several months after we got our tattoos and didn't even find out about them til 2 yrs ago...6 yrs later lol.

A tattoo has to be something you really want, being as you have to live with it maybe forever, so the only opinion that really matters is that of the person getting the tattoo.
Gary Allen, Gary Allen, Gary Allen!!!!

My hubby has 3, I picked out 2 of them plus the size and placement. The third, we talked about and I'm good with, but it's not complete.

The again, I have 3 tats, too! I'm on the back side of 30 and I got my first one at 25. I think the big thing is to think about what you're getting, where you're putting it and remember it'll be there for a long long time.

My sis had Daffy duck flipping the bird on her shoulder - yup, that'll look good in the wedding photos!!!

Oh, my big pet peave is with the piercings that stretch out the ear or lip. THAT is gross!! And, they don't grow back. I don't think kids at 18 or 20 are thinking about that when they are putting those stud things in.

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