Lady Amherest male turning head almost non stop


15 Years
Apr 12, 2009
Central PA
I have a lady amherest male that should be 5 this year if he was 2 like I was told when I bought him. The last week or so he seems to turn his head from side to side almost non stop it is almost like his vision is going in one eye and he keeps turning to see what going on, he seems healthy and does not have any problem getting around, but I can walk up to him and almost touch him before he takes off which is not normal for him.
Could be Marek's disease. You would want to look into that immediately if you don't already know what it is. It could mean you have to operate a closed flock as it is contagious and birds remain carriers. Homeopathic Hypericum/St John's Wort has worked for some people treating chickens with advanced Mareks', but culling is generally the "treatment".

Best wishes.

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