lake cumberland game birds?

My first quail hatch few years ago was pretty successful. Got about 65-70 % hatch on shipped eggs that was in late fall.

I just put eggs from Lake Cumberland and 3 other breeders in my bators. Will see what percentage will hatch in about 2 weeks.
The ones I hatched years ago were from a breeder in N Florida, I do not remember his name, and I do not think he sells eggs anymore.

The ones I got now are from Lake Cumberland, Ebay, and JJ.

JJ's eggs were picked up, the rest shipped.

Texas A&M's, Jumbo Browns and a friendly sampler of whatever was available from JJ.
I just ordered some eggs from them this morning (even though they are chukar) it will be interesting to see how long it takes for them to arrive!
Mine took over 2 weeks from order to delivery, Chukars may take longer, since they may not started laying yet, and there is probably long back order on them.
yea pascopol you had a good hatch because it wasnt from lake cumberland... lake cumberland is all about quantity not quality!
There was a link on my order page showing status order. However they did not provide tracking #.

When they ship your order it will say "shipped". That's it.

They ship by UPS, my eggs were packed very well sitting in nice paper type egg trays, not those horrible plastic egg holders some quail breeders ship their eggs.

Only 2% eggs were cracked but it did not seemed to be caused by rough handling. But they sent 5% extras.

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