lake cumberland game birds?

i had about 30-35 northern bobwhite hatch and theyre DROPPING LIKE FLIES!!!! NEVER AGAIN! will i order from them!
In the early spring
And hatched chicks dying quickly after hatching could or could not be from inferior breeders and the resulting chicks just arent strong enough to get there
The quality and health of your breeders plays a big role in vitality of chicks
It could also be user error
Make sure not to leave bobwhite in the bator too long they need feed and water within 24 hrs of hatching
I only leave mine in long enough to dry usually about 12 hrs at most
yea thats what i did i have smashed up gambird starter fresh water and i even put some of theyre food in some water just so they still have something to eat if they cant eat the crushed kind. i have pebbles/marbles in the water and im maintaining a good tempurature for them.
I wouldn't blame the loss of your bob chicks soley on the hatchery. It can be many factors...look at every factor...what you are doing...what you could change. Before pointin the finger.
what else is there to do though. except feed water heat them and make sure the brooder is clean. i think theyre birds are unhealthy or something.

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