lake pics. safest guess for predators?


5 Years
Aug 20, 2014
North Florida
These pics are all from virtually the same area just different angles. The spookiest area (pic 1) is where I've never seen anything. The big sunny safe looking area (pic 3&4) I see action sometimes. Where would you focus on swimming?


I literally just turned 90 degrees and then took pic 2


The right side of pic 3, where the trees are, is where pic 1&2 came from
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It's a pretty quiet lake, but definitely alive. I'm not sure where they'd lurk but I've only spotted potential predators in open happy looking areas. Counter intuitive from scary movies.
Well I've never seen a water predator large enough to eat them I think. But I assume there are bigger versions on the little creatures I've spotted. Turtles, snakes, fish ?(mostly bass)

Nothing else but it's possible there might be things I've never seen, and neighbors haven't mentioned
There could definitely be some pike, which are dangerous to some waterfowl, there could also be river otterdepending on where you are, and have you seen any birds of prey?
Oh birds of prey I've definitely seen and the open area is the least safe from them. I have a hard time thinking one would attack w me right there. Under water attacks I might not see.

I was just informed at no age/size are they safe from birds :/

*edit* I still think the main risk from birds is now. When they're bigger and in a group it's unlikely right?
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Oh birds of prey I've definitely seen and the open area is the least safe from them. I have a hard time thinking one would attack w me right there. Under water attacks I might not see.

I was just informed at no age/size are they safe from birds :/

*edit* I still think the main risk from birds is now. When they're bigger and in a group it's unlikely right?

Plenty of Hawks will swoop in when you are right there. One would assume that is not the case but a handful of people have watched their Ducks/chickens be taken.

*edit to add*
I like the "scary" area better but I wonder if there are more unseen critters there. My guys free range my back yard and I know there is a risk of something running off with them but they have lots of cover and don't like to hang out in the open.
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Oh birds of prey I've definitely seen and the open area is the least safe from them. I have a hard time thinking one would attack w me right there. Under water attacks I might not see.

I was just informed at no age/size are they safe from birds

*edit* I still think the main risk from birds is now. When they're bigger and in a group it's unlikely right?

Enrique, I'm working from memory here, but I'm thinking you have all Rouens and that they're all around a month old, right? If so, I would not let any of them out into that lake right now even if you're standing right at the edge of the bank. NJ is right about the hawks. Hawks can and will swoop down and snatch ducklings that size. Your ducks won't be in danger from hawks once they're grown since hawks that are common in the US can't life a full-grown Rouen, but there might be other raptors in your area that can. Do you know what raptors are native to your region? If not, I can check a few websites to see.

Is that your property or something nearby that you don't own? There are ways to deter predators, but most of them aren't practical (or legal) to implement on property you don't own unless you have the owner's permission.
Your memory serves you correctly. Thirteen 1 month old rouens.

I didn't find which are native by area doing a super quick search. If fair to assume there's a wide variety. Whether they're native or not, common or very rare, is another story.

This is my property. My yard is on the lake. I'm interested in the predator detection out of curiosity but I doubt I'd use them especially if it's not practical. Birds do eat ' in my yard ' usually fish but on occasion I see squirl attempts.

I know there will always be potential predators and dangers. While they're smaller and more vulnerable, I want to minimize that as much as possible while still having them roam during the day.

The main danger from birds is now. That's why I like the spooky area. But there's also water danger. If spooky area is safest for them by sea, and by air, great. If not I have additional factors to consider.

I opened Pandora's box weeks ago... we spend the majority of the day, everyday, outdoors. Hours in and by the lake. I am physically in the water with them. I make sure to keep them between me and land. I figure that's the safest for air or sea attacks. Maybe I'm being overconfident, but I'm not there only to scare predators. If an attempt is made, I plan to share here my first experience with turtle soup or raptor wings.

Reality is the ducks and I live in a neighborhood on a lake in the woods. They're going to be outdoors and I'm going to be with them constantly for the rest of the year, after that, I'm going to be doing taxes all day for months.

I like to think nothing bad can happen once they're older. But it's possible there are animals larger than I know of, or one will decide they're tired of fish. I know I can't make the world safe, and I don't plan to keep them from it (even if I could).

I figure it's important to focus on now while they're most vulnerable. Swimming in the safest area I think is good for the obvious reasons, and also so it's a habit when they get older.

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