Lakenvelder questions!!!

But thanks for explaining it anyway.
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I have a pair of wc chocolate polish, and some silkies who are partially there. I'm working to lighten their colour--right now it is too dark--brown, not black, but not light enough to be a real chocolate. This is all using dunn, not choc. To the best of my knowledge, choc isn't in the US.

Anyways, the mottled and chocolate I'm working on is primarily with my silkies, but I should get a few more chocolate polish, too
Wish me luck

The polish girl isn't laying yet. I just moved a couple of brownish silkie hens in with the polish cockerel. I do have a dun cross who showed up more or less spontaneously in my flock, so I know I've not imagining the dark chocolate tone to the silkies' plumage.
Okay, so head dots and dashes point to e^b; I assume they are not always present in e^b chicks as I rarely see them on my silkies? I have seen them on some crosses (I'm working on bringing mottle & chocolate into my birds--separate projects).

Does the collar band at the back of the neck indicate anything?

I haven't noticed one, sorry.

Lakenvelder chicks are quite variable. they range from mine to henmama's.
My lakenvelder bantams are more like henmama's.

These chicks were from a few years ago.
The wings feather out black and white, the body can be very smutty to white. The neck black comes at about 3 weeks.

e^b chicks are known for a helmet head pattern. But this kind of stippling is also typical.

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