lame cockeral...


Hatching mode
9 Years
Feb 7, 2010
Puyallup, Wa.
I have a three month old cockerel who I noticed limping today. The leg he is favoring is warm to the touch. I think there is a small amount of swelling in the bottom of his foot. The pad feels a little more squishy there also. He can walk, but he is sitting down a lot. Watching him I noticed he keeps stepping on his own feet tripping himself. He does not fall down. I looked on the bottom of his foot and I did not see a scab for bumble-foot. Can he have bumble-foot without the scab? I have been reading about treating bumble-foot and I am not sure if that is what the problem is. Should I soak and cut into the swollen squishy part if there is no scab? Any advice will greatly be appreciated.
I would watch it for a day or two if there is no sign of a wound. I would expect something will develop. Maybe a little antibiotic ointment on it.
thank you ddawn. I went out to watch him and he is definitely favoring one leg. What seems very odd to me is that he keeps stepping on his foot when he gets up or walks. He looks OK clear eyes and such. He is hiding under a bush and his sisters are sticking around him. Is stepping on his own feet a sign of something. It just does not seem right. He is my pet and I want to help him as soon as possible.
Just a little update. He is getting worse.
I think it is higher up maybe his hip. He is holding his foot out in front of him when standing. The leg feels warm, but I still see no injuries. He seems to be curling his foot up also. He is eating and drinking. I am keeping him in his tractor with his sisters. No one is picking on him and he really doesn't have to jump or climb anything. He is an Orpington and is growing very quickly. Has anyone ran into leg problems with this breed in particular? Is my only option the vet or do I just wait and see?

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