Land of the Lions you ask well lookie here...

Having it as a neighbor Noooooo Thank you! Albeit beautiful I think I will continue to live in Ga were I've only seen mosquitos that big
You can just keep posting pics so I can enjoy them that way!
beautiful - we call them Mountain Lions around this part of Alberta. Great Photo!!! you are very lucky to have actually seen one as they are pretty good at staying hidden... Now, you know he is around your area so be careful!
OMG! She/he's Gorgeous!
I'm a "Big cat" person.. and would probably have gotten eaten out of pure stupidity (induced by glee) from getting too personal!

I BET you use a STURDY Run for your gals!!!
LOL yeah we call the Lions for short byt mountain lions/cougars typically. We see them all the time, we have a large population in this area. There is one much larger that comes through our property and a couple smaller ones, one of which my DH had to shoot in the garage.
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I hear ya...part of me always wants to go pet them. I am a tiger fan so it is good we do not have any of those around or I would try taming one I am sure. LOL

Yes chain link for sure but I worry more about the fox, skunk and raccoons and the bobcat than the lions. There is too much good food around, out in the open... they rarely take the time to try to get in to something.

They are hunters of opportunity and rarely risk injury so they would rather wait for a rabbit or something to come by than risk messing with windows, fences and such.
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