Landscaping for duck and chicken pen


Jun 29, 2023
East Tennessee
What foraging plant options could I grow along the interior fence line for my ducks? I have lavender, mint, blackberries, & rosemary that I can transplant if those are good options? There is a willow tree that will be in their pen for shade. I have to put fencing around it for now until it grows taller.

Is there anything I can grow on the shared fence line between the chickens and ducks that vines that they can share?

What about winter plants for the ducks and chickens that I can plant this fall?
My ducks are in a fenced acre of my lawn, lots of trees and shrubbery everywhere. I would worry about the blackberries in with the ducks. I had wild roses in different spots they had access to and kept getting bumble foot the first year. Once I cut out the wild roses, I stopped having bumble foot. I think they were walking on the thorns. I also had mint that was already growing in their area and they ended up trampling it with their big duck feet. I thought it was hardier than that but it did not come back. As far as a vine on the shared fence, right now I have morning glory and clematis growing on my ducks and chickens shared fence and both leave it alone. At one point I had grapes growing on the fence line but the chickens would strip all the leaves and grapes off as tall as they could jump. There are hardy banana plants in with the chickens, I have to fence the plants off in the spring or the chickens won't let them grow. Once they are tall enough, they leave them alone but they help keep all the baby bananas I don't want growing in check so they don't spread so fast. Provides shade and a snack. I would say, just try some stuff and see what works.

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