Langshan Thread!!!

11 days old <3

YAY! My first ever Fresh Eggs one of my Black Langshan layed these I was so happy to see these inside the coop they are small but too pretty. :ya

My 18 week old roo loves sitting in this flower pot. The chickens destroyed the flowers, but they all seem to enjoy sitting in the dirt so much that I don't really mind. Billy Flynn seems to be especially fond of this spot and will run off others who try to sit here.

Ok, I have a rooster question and since it's Langshan Roos, I thought I'd ask it here. I'm a new chicken owner with my first flock, 6 RIR pullets and 6 Langshans, 2 of which are Roos. Billy is tha black and Razzle is the blue. Billy is a size larger than Razzle, is an inch or two taller and much bigger around, and much more skittish. Billy will eat from my hand, but won't let me touch him. Razzle will sit in my lap and talk to me and will even look pitiful like I hurt his feelings if I put him down before he's ready to go. My flock of 12 has a pretty good size coop and free range from about noon til bedtime. They are all 18 weeks old and though the girls are not laying yet, quite a few of the pullets are really getting red in the face. The RIRs more than the Langshans, of course.
My question is, will I need to get rid of one of my boys? It would break my heart. I think Billy is the better rooster, as far as protecting the girls and for breeding, but Razzle is just so sweet. And I have seen no sign of fighting between them at all so far. But maybe they are just still not mature enough? I have read you need at least 10 hens per rooster and though I would love to get more girls, I have to convince my husband to add on to the coop first. Lol.
So, is there any way they can coexist long term, or should I start deciding who to find a new home for? Because if I have to do it, I need to do it before I get even more attached. Because I know I should probably keep Billy, but I want Razzle because he's my favorite of all of my flock. Help!

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