Large amaricana hen


6 Years
Jan 5, 2015
Hi, I live in California and am looking for a large foul americana hen. I am fine with getting it shipped from somewhere out of state, any good quality and humane breeders that you know of? Thanks!

If it does not specify that it is bantam or standard, does that mean that it is standard by default? none of the websites that I look at say.
Are you looking for ameraucana or EE (americana is a common incorrect name for EE). You can usually find EEs on CL.
If it doesn't specify, it's large fowl.
I am looking for an americana, not an EE. And thank you, that helps. How are large americanas in the cold?

Thanks again!

The way you are spelling it, "Americana", is actually an Easter Egger. :)

True Ameraucanas are great in the cold though. They are a very cold hardy breed.

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