Large chicken hen hatching quail!

ju8st was wondering what the outcome was?
They have still yet to hatch and unfortunately two more eggs were taken yesterday, so now we only have three. We know ones infertile because its too light to have anything in it. :th
Today is the 17th day incubation, I'm hoping that something comes out today or tomorrow. Keeping my fingers crossed though.:fl
It's still stormy though. :lol:
Unfortunately, the last couple of eggs were stolen before hatching day.:(
However I've made a new plan, I'm going give Nanami (the golden laced wyandotte) some chicks because she deserves a break and I'm getting more quail eggs of which I'm going to put under the recently broody Také aswell as her own eggs. Now comes the tricky part, I'm going to have to convince her to sit in a rabbit hutch I have near our house (so the eggs don't get stolen again).Také is slightly a bit smaller than Nanami but I don't really consider her to be a bantam, her eggs are also small. So we'll just see how this goes.:fl
Ps. If anyone is still watching this thread, I'll be updating frequently to tell you how it goes.

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