Large Fowl Cochin Thread

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How do the cochins silver laced look like in the US?

I have them for several years. I once began with a wyandotte silver laced male. After 5 years I have the females in my earlier replys. They are beautiful but the males don't "dive" enough, they stand up to straight. The females are really good and ready for recognation I think.

To improve the diving I got a orpington silver laced male and put it against my best females. The offspring (only 5) all had the short white feet from the orpington and with only a litte bit of footfeathering. But these mutants did heritate the typical shape of the orpington. I kept two of them a male and a female and they are now against my best cochins silver laced again.

This mutant male was the best of the 5 young ones I bred. He even has lacing on his wing.

A mutant female with good lacing

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Also nice birds, nice finaly some silver laced birds here. Till now I saw only the golden laced.

Maybe they could be a little bit bigger and they could dive al little more, I have the same problem here escpecially with the males. They are to high on the front.

That is way I used this barred male. There are now 15 eggs of them in my incubator. Curious what will come of them.

Here is an old male from me, also a bit high and too small

I am so excited!! My very first LF cochin just hatched about 10 minutes ago. Hoping there are many more in there by the end of the day. I can l already tell this will be a new obsession for me ;)
Here is my very first LF cochin baby!! I have 5 others out and 5 more pipped. Still have more eggs in too. Oh, boy I have the cochin bug bad now!!


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