Large Fowl Cochin Thread

I asked this on the other Cochin thread and never received an answer, so I'm trying here. I have had my Cochins since last year. They laid their first eggs around November and then continued to lay all winter. Both girls have completely stopped laying. They had both had feather loss due to mating, and are now re-feathered beautifully. Is it typical for the Cochins to stop like this?
I asked this on the other Cochin thread and never received an answer, so I'm trying here. I have had my Cochins since last year. They laid their first eggs around November and then continued to lay all winter. Both girls have completely stopped laying. They had both had feather loss due to mating, and are now re-feathered beautifully. Is it typical for the Cochins to stop like this?
Due to shorter days (less light) & molting, my LF girls are not laying. They usually resume about mid Dec. & are very consistent thru May or until it starts getting hot.
Due to shorter days (less light) & molting, my LF girls are not laying. They usually resume about mid Dec. & are very consistent thru May or until it starts getting hot.

Thank you! They're the only one that have stopped, so I assumed it was a Cochin thing, but it's still nice to have that reassurance.
Yeah same thing is happening over here with my Brahmas. I put a light in on the 9th and out a crap ton of cayenne pepper in their feed. So far no eggs( it's been a few months ) but their pubic bones have widened up significantly.
I posted this on the Cochin thread with a few bantam breeders trying to help me out. Are LF white Cochins like Brahmas in that they should be eight to ten months old before they are shown?
Perhaps Bo Garrett can help with an answer since he breeds and shows His Cochins and has Whites.
I have a nine month old Black Cochin Pullet that has finished her last molt and looks really nice.
I posted this on the Cochin thread with a few bantam breeders trying to help me out. Are LF white Cochins like Brahmas in that they should be eight to ten months old before they are shown?

My opinion is at least 8 months. I have a black cockerel that is 15 months that is finally starting to look nice. He looked nice at a younger age but always appeared small. He isn't like Bo's boys but a step in the right direction. I need to get pictures of him. Maybe this weekend when I put my pen together and before I trim them (if I can stand working in the frigid conditions)

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