Large Fowl Cochin Thread

I came to have this cockerel in a roundabout manner and have never had a Cochin before, though I've been reading and asking questions about the breed. Could any of you breeders tell me anything about his color, pattern and conformation and if he is a good representation of the breed? Sorry the pics are not more this first pic his wing has been clipped on that side. I do not know his age but he is not crowing yet, has small spur nubbins, is not filled out under those feathers yet but is already breeding. He's very docile and has a regal bearing that I like. Any information is appreciated. Thank you!

He is beautiful, i am new to cochins too, but am sold on them - the large fowl cochins are amazing

This is the difference in Sonny in this first week, amazing personality!

I'm really liking this guy too and it's sparked an interest in the breed for me...not that I plan on getting more Cochins any time soon but if one were to stumble into my life and it were a nice looking pullet, I wouldn't mind seeing where it goes. I free range and I have to wait and see if he can adapt to survival mode in the spring.
Hey Beekissed!

I'm new to Cochins myself but I actually happen to have a flock just like your roo and I thinhk he is a Silver Laced Roo. My Silver Laced Roos have that same saddle pattern but look at the feathers on his my vote is Silver Laced. As far as quality...I'd love to read other's responces but I'm not sure he has the right tail shape (I don't know the offical word for that) But that's the same problem I have with my roos.
Thank you! I'm thinking the same thing and no doubt he's from hatchery stock but I was curious if he looked "fluffy" enough for the breed.
He is young yet- it can take up to 2 years to get their full maturity- that means feathers too- as far as free ranging, i would think a bird the size these cochins get won't be attacked from hawks, i had a black cochin hen and she was never troubled-
Thank you! I think he's mighty handsome even as young as he is. He's very slow moving, though, and these birds range into the woods where the foxes like to linger around the edges of the meadow, so any given second they can do a snatch and grab before the dog can react...I've seen the chickens run like streaks from the woodline on numerous occasions and I know we have a grey fox in the area. Though none have been snatched, I don't want him to be the first.
Other cochin keepers much more experienced than I can chime in, but I can say that my large fowl cochins can't move quite as fast as my other (clean legged) birds. Since I don't show, I did trim the foot and hock feathers down a bit on my last rooster, and it helped him not to "high step" and "waddle" quite so much when he ran.
His size was a deterrent to winged predators, but foxes and coyotes would probably have an easier time catching him than my other large fowl breeds.

He did forage pretty well despite this, and was always feeding my hens the best of his findings. I am very sold on cochins, they are super birds.
So that's where that high steppin' stride comes from...I thought it was kind of pretty, like a horse doing dressage...he even arches his neck like a horse. I might trim his feathers a little come spring so he can get his run on. I didn't know how far one could trim them without causing bleeding.
Thanks for the reply Bo, I am a big fan of the large fowl cochins. I applaud your effort at reviving this variety. When is the next big show? I would like to attend and meet some of the people working with large fowl cochins.

Well, there are many big shows around but I would recommend subscribing to the Poultry Press, a monthly newspaper, which lists shows around the country. The American Poultry Association semi-annual meet is in Hutchinson, KS in April and will be a well run show with lots of birds. The Ohio National is annually in November and the Oklahoma Poultry Federation show is the second weekend in December annually. The Ohio National will hold the qualifying meet for the Large Mottled Cochin this year.

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