Large open wound with maggots

Happy to see it’s healing up well. I hope deworming is going well also.
I think so! I haven’t gotten the safeguard in the mail yet, but the doxycycline seems to be killing them. There was one more large dump after the initial photo and then a much smaller one yesterday.
Lots of new feather growth!!
Update: she’s still in the bathroom/chicken ER, but she’s looking so good!! I have noticed her comb is very pale and her face is rather dry and chapped. I assume it’s from being inside for so long. Any tips on hydrating topicals I can use?


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That looks great!

I use vaseline on dry combs/faces/wattles.

Do you have an area outside you can section off, so she can get some sunshine, sit in the grass, see the other chickens? I think I would start putting her outside for a bit.
She may roll around on grass or dirt (try to dust bath) but I think that's healed enough it won't hurt it. Might be a pain to clean though LOL
I had a hen that had the back of her neck ripped open. First thing she did when outside was take a dust goodness. Neosporin and dirt🤣 She was soooo happy though I couldn't get mad. She healed just fine.

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